Cultural Studies of Russian South № 2 (65), 2017

pp. 1-2


pp. 3-4


pp. 5-6

From the editor

S.S. Zengin

Theory and history of art

pp. 7-12

Costume in «national style» at the russian theater scene of the second half of the XIX century

In the article, based on various sources, a theatrical costume in the «national style» is considered. From all variety of forms a suit in «boyar style», established on the Russian stage of the second half of the XIX century, especially in historical spectacles, was singled out. Widely attracting documentary material, the authors analyze it as an ideological and artistic construct of the period of Historism. 

Keywords: Russian decorative art, historism, archeology, historical spectacle, costume in «national style», boyar style.

N.A. Gangur, A.A. Komarevtseva

pp. 13-17

Communication of a measure of conventionality and sense in the fine arts

Art conventionality of the fine arts, a measure of its conventionality and its types remain now to be insufficiently investigated. The article is devoted to studying of nature of communication between a measure of conventionality and semantic filling in different types of the fine arts. The concrete culturological material illustrating basic positions of article is considered. The results of a research that open the perspective of further studying of a question are given. 

Keywords: fiction, fine arts, sense, conventionality, form.

E.L. Balkind

pp. 17-20

Features of the periodization of Ilya Mashkov’s still-lives

This article focuses on the early still-lives by Mashkov in which it is possible to define several main directions. Within each of these directions focused the analysis of picturesque and plastic characteristics of works, the ambivalent specifics of which both individualize the artist and enters him into a paradigm context of arts of the beginning of the 20th century. 

Keywords: art of the native avant-garde, Bubnovyi valet, plastic intellection, primitivism, still life, russian sezannists.

O.A. Koroleva

pp. 20-23

Systemic principle of organization of musical themes: from opera to cinema

The article based on the analysis of film music “The Siberian Barber” (Director N. Mikhalkov, composer Eduard Artemyev) revealed the systemic principle of organization of musical themes as the reception came in applied music from classical Opera drama. 

Keywords: music themes, Opera dramaturgy, screenwriting, film music, film composer.

T.F. Shak, E.B. Havlina

pp. 23-28

New trends in a concert for a saxophone 70’s – 90’s years of the XX century

The article is devoted to the analysis of new trends in the concert for the saxophone of domestic and foreign composers of the 70s - 90s of the 20th century. This period is characterized by the development of new compositional techniques and the renewal of the musical language, which led to the inclusion in the soloist of new (non-traditional) performing techniques, the essence of which was to change the timbre of the instrument. Timbre experimentation, which affected all the instrumental layers, contributed to the expansion of the figurative sphere and genre palette of the concert for the saxophone and led to the appearance of its new varieties. 

Keywords: saxophone, genre, concert, evolution, evolution of genre, genre of concert for saxophone, saxophone performance, academic music for saxophone.

A.M. Ponkina

pp. 28-32

French instrumental school of the XVIII–XIX centuries: aspects of national stylistics

In article processes of formation of the French chamber-instrumental school of the XVIII– XIXcenturies are considered. It have served as the base for development and blossoming of this specific style in works of composers of the Newesttime (from C. Debussy to members of group «Les Six» and D. Milhaud). The renaissance of the French instrumental style falls in clearly marked artistic and aesthetic parameters to the music of the Newest Time, which dates back to the last decade of the 19th century. A decisive role here played the great French composers who created the style of musical impressionism – С. Debussy and M. Ravel. In their work directed not only at innovation, but also on the revival of national traditions, a new musical language has developed that determined the importance of the French instrumental style in the sphere of its influence on the world instrumental practice of the subsequent time. The process of stylistic renewal, however, was begun in the French instrumental school even earlier – in the work of the composers of the 18th and 19th centuries, representing the ‘French’ in the system of European instrumentalism (from J.-B. Lully to K. Saint-Saens). Novelty of the approach to studying of the French music school offered in this article consists in systematization and determination of criteria of its studying as aesthetics-communicative paradigm, enriched with the influence world practice of this sort of musical art. 

Keywords: instrumentalism as musical and art phenomenon,chamber instrumentalism, instrumental school, national aspect of instrumental school, French instrumental school of the XVIII–XIX centuries.

D.A. Rubtsova

pp. 32-37

Achieving the communicative unity of the performers in the process of working on the vocal chamber music of tchaikovsky

This article is a sequential identification of the phenomenon of musical communication in an ensemble of General structure the communicative processes in the art, articulating its specific features and ways of regulation of their formation through collaborative ensemble work and performing the duet of the soloist and accompanist on chamber and vocal works by P.I. Tchaikovsky. The essence of the article is to provide a holistic overview of the phenomenon of musical communication – as context for highlighting a particular type of interaction between the partners chamber ensemble, for example, work with the specified material. 

Keywords: musical communication, vocal chamber duet, ensemble, romances by P.I. Tchaikovsky, the interaction of the performers.

V.S. Isaev

pp. 37-40

Interpretation of voice compositions of Steve Reich in the 1970-ies

In the article the question about the principles of Reich’s work with voice in the works of 1970-ies.

Keywords: Steve Reich, sociocultural context, voice, musical documentary

A.V. Shornikova

pp. 40-44

The origins of jazz in the ethno-cultural aspect of the study

In article ethnocultural approach when studying sources of the American jazz in unity ethnographic and social, and so - authentic music of various performers is considered. 

Keywords: jazz, ethnocultural aspect, worldmusic, authentic music.

E.V. Semenchenko

pp. 44-47

The main trends of modern sound production

This article discusses the issues related to the development of the industry of audio engineering in the modern world. The author analyzes the main trends of formation and development of sound engineering as a creative human activity. The article describes the role of sound producer in creating sound images, as well as the basic competences of sound producer of our time. The article outlines the main trends in the development of sound in contemporary screen arts. 

Keywords: religion, culture of personality, humanism, existential orientation.

E.U. Klyuchkova

pp. 48-53

Cultural values in the conditions of social upheaval

In the present article, which concerns the fate of cultural property in arm conflicts, the authors discuss the particular features of an act of terrorism committed in respect of cultural property, and concepts used in the protection of cultural heritage during social conflicts. 

Keywords: cultural property, act of terrorism, protection of cultural heritage.

V.D. Torosyan, I.V. Paltseva

Theory and history of culture

pp. 53-58

Information culture as a factor of transformation of the identity paradigm

The article focuses on the processes of change in the identity paradigm in the context of transforming society. Describes the processes that influence this phenomenon. Current strategies for the identification and representation of identity in the global space of networked media. Examines the relationship between the change identification paradigm with visual culture, need for affiliation and recognition. Examines the fluidity, mobility and multiplicity of identification processes in contemporary turbulent society. 

Keywords: identification, information society, identification paradigm

A.A. Lisenkova

pp. 58-64

Whether the world history has an ultimate goal of development

In article ways, forms and the prospects of development of a human civilization are considered, and also the possibility of achievement of an ultimate goal of the world culturally historical process is analyzed. The idea expresses that the question of an ultimate goal of historical development of mankind has to be considered in the context of the concept of «history rhythms» and the multilevel nature of Life. The assumption that sense of development of world history is increase in level of spirituality of mankind becomes; that the maintenance of world history is shown in dialectic interrelation and alternation of its «spiritual» and «material» eras; that historical process is directed to achievement of a certain «finishing» point which qualitatively new condition of mankind will follow. 

Keywords: World history, social progress, teleology, spirituality, Apocalypse, history rhythms, new aon.

O.Yu. Golubeva, A.P. Fedyaev

Culture and society

pp. 65-67

Glorification of the Homeland and its defenders in musical and poetic works of a holiday of the Victory of 1945

In the article the problem of continuity of traditions of military festive ceremonials of prerevolutionary and Soviet Russia is considered, the community of ideology installations and their manifestation in an art component of a festival comes to light. The narrative and panegyrical texts, images of the Homeland and its defenders created by means of arts of victorious triumph are studied. Audio-videos of record of a sound and musical component of Victory parade are selected material of a research musical. 

Keywords: military history of Russia, Victory Day parade, image of the Homeland, anthem.

V.N. Dеmina

pp. 68-73

The theme of the national identity of peoples in philosophy of enlightenment

The article explores the theoretical potential of the concepts of national identity of peoples in the philosophy of the Enlightenment. The urgency of the work is connected with the analysis of the paradigms of the study of the national identity of historical subjects that developed during this period. The concepts of D. Hume, S. Montesquieu, I. Kant are kept in line with the ethnopsychological paradigm. The K. Helvetium’s concept of national character contains the rudiments of the culturological and philosophical-historical paradigms of the study of national identity. In I. Gerder in the initial, mixed form the cultural and philosophical-historical paradigms of research of a theme of national originality of the people are presented. 

Keywords: national identity, national originality, national character, people’s spirit, Enlightenment, D. Hume, I. Kant, K. Helvetius, I. Herder, S. Montesquieu.

L.A. Polomoshnov

pp. 72-75

Talisman in the structure of the olympic culture

The mascot is analyzed as an element of the Olympic culture, which with each new Olympiad acquires new features and characteristics, which makes it a symbol of this sporting holiday. 

Keywords: Olympic Games, mascot, culture, holiday

M.A. Filimonova, V.I. Lyakh

Tribune of the young scientist

pp. 76-78

Synthesis of colour, sound and dynamics in spatial creation of Aristarkh Lentulov

The transparent principle of the subject-spatial creation of early Lentulov – «a color-dinamics», concluded in the synthesis of color, sound and structure is perceived in the article. The emphasis is placed on semantics of manner and also on the individual means of painting and plastic art, which the author uses during the creation of an image. 

Keywords: Аrt of the native avant-garde, Bubnovyi valet, plastic intellection, primitivism, still life, russian sezannists, dynamics of color. 

O.A. Koroleva

Library science and documentary information

pp. 79-85

The modern russian scientists in the field of the natural sciences are popular writers of science and writers

On examples of publishing experience of the modern domestic writers – A.Yu. Zakgeyma, M.I. Katsnelsona, A.V. Markova – a phenomenon of a combination of research work in the field of the natural sciences, pedagogical activity, popularization of the natural sciences and literary and art creativity is considered. Regularities of their author’s activity are revealed. Literary and art works of scientists and teachers are submitted by the fantasy and the poetry published in newspapers, journals and collective collections. Popular scientific works are published within monographs. 

Keywords: author, natural sciences, scientific literature, educational literature, popular scientific literature, fiction. 

I.S. Sokolova

pp. 85-88

To the problem of the library as a system

The article deals with the essence of the library as a system from the point of view of modern achievements of a systematic approach in our country. A significant novelty is presented in concept is the consideration of the library from the perspective of the category of interaction, which is kluczowym concept of synergy. Based on this understanding of the matter, the essence of biblioteki as a system is defined exclusively as a dual system, the leading categories, which are synergistic concepts subject, and object, or the library user and document in real library activities. Prospects rastita this theme is further study from the point of view of the theory and practice of library activities. 

Keywords: library, system, interaction, subject, object, circuit design, two circuits.

E.A. Evtukhina

pp. 89-91

About psychological peculiarities of perception of the electronic document

The article describes the electronic document, its location, structure, specificity, perception, reading and working with him in the pedagogical process. 

Keywords: electronic document, metadata, psychological features of perception.

O.K. Solokhyants

Culture and education

pp. 92-95

The leading tendencies of training of specialists in system of the higher music education

In article the current trends of training of students musicians higher education institution are considered: the all-vocational training providing a combination of fundamental theoretical and applicationoriented aspects of contents to orientation to formation of integral idea of professional activity; the training individualization providing realization of features of each student, its specificity, originality, inclinations, tendencies; the informatization ensuring purposeful independent functioning on satisfaction of personal information needs. 

Keywords: tendencies, music education, humanitarization, individualization, informatization. 

V.P. Sradzhev, I.B. Ignatova, N.R. Turavets

pp. 95-98

The phenomenon of pedagogical intonation in theory and practice of organization of educational process

The article considers the problem of organization of educational process, which in meaning coincides with many underlying the functioning of the laws of musical art. The successful implementation of the tasks is provided by a set of integrative actions of a teacher that form the basis of pedagogical intonation, that we define as a critical element of its professional skills. 

Keywords: intonation, pedagogical skills, educational process.

O.Ju. Solopanova, B.M. Celkovnikov

The cultural life of the regions

pp. 99-103

А.V. Zataevich’s musical remarques as representatives of national characteristics of kazakh music

This article analyses musical remarks in А.V. Zataevich’s musical notation, representing the synthesis of intra-cultural and intercultural relations and reflecting the contacts of European and Eastern music. The remarks are organically used: the national and unique elements are not absorbed. The author could reflect stable and typical qualities that represent national characteristics of the remarks. Nouns, adjectives and adverbs, covering all genres of the composer’s creative work, are used as musical notes. The origins of expressiveness are deeply national. Analysis of expressive-stylistic musical remarks by A. Zataevich helped broader, more detailed, more accurately, to disclose the expressive-speech style of the composer, which corresponds to the psychological, subject, behavioral, etc. Shapedmodalities. 

Keywords: figurative and psychological characteristics of musical style, specificity of musical remarques, expressive and stylistic peculiarities of musical remarques.

E.M. Kurmanaev

pp. 103-106

Environmental features of the folk culture of the kabardians and balkars

The main research problem is the culture of the traditional folk-based national understanding of ethnographic reality, which involves considering the ecological traits of the artistic activities of Kabardians and Balkarians, as the most appropriate syncretic nature of folk art in line with the synergistic theory. 

Keywords: ethnic culture, folklore Kabardians and Balkars, cultural significance, ecological characteristics, traditional culture

L.H. Shautsukova, N.V. Galimova

pp. 106-109

Decorative and applied art of the peoples of the North Caucasus at the present stage (on the example of felt goods of karachais and balkarians)

In the article is considered the felt art of Karachais and Balkarians at the present stage. The article was based on field research of the author. This material is first introduced into scientific circulation. The paper describes the traditional manufacturing technology and functional features of felt products. Also, the forms of being of felt products at the present stage are analyzed. 

Keywords: karachais and balkars, traditional culture, arts and crafts, felt art.

A.H. Bayramukova

pp. 109-112

Image of women as mothers poetic interpretation in the adyge literature (k.R. Jane, R. Nekhai, M. Tlekhas, T. Debe, I. Mashbash)

Paper considers the perception of women in the adyge, as reflected in literature. Raised problem of particular importance, given the Northern Caucasus integration in the world community and seeking to establish understanding and interaction. In this regard, the acquaintance with the culture and social way of life is crucial. 

Keywords: Circassian literature, Caucasian poets creativity, image of mother, Circassians social structures, women’s status

R.H. Emtyl

pp. 112-115

E. Mamiy dramaturgy art world

The work touches upon one of the neglected topics for today: the formation of professional theatre in the Adygea Republic. In considering this question, the author refers to the creative heritage of E.A. Mamiy and characterizes his influence on drama. 

Keywords: Е. Mamiy creativity, Adygea Republic culture, Soviet theatre.

R.H. Emtyl

pp. 115-119

The role and importance of volunteerism in the provision of socially oriented services public libraries Krasnodar territory

The article reveals the role and significance of the volunteer movement in providing sociallyoriented library services based on the results of a survey of heads of public libraries in the Krasnodar Territory. 

Keywords: public library, volunteers, volunteer movement, socially-oriented services.

Y.G. Putilina

pp. 119-122

Pr-management in organizations of pulsating type: problems and prospects

The article reveals the content of the concept of pulsating organizations using the example of volunteer centers and organizers of sporting events. The authors explain how pulsating structures, in light of their special characteristics, adapt the available technologies to their activities. Unique information and communication requirements make it necessary to search for optimal strategies for managing public relations. 

Keywords: organization management, volunteering, events, organizational structure, communication

I.B. Shuvanov, M.S. Kruglova

pp. 122-125

Geographical determinism in the socio-cultural development of the territory: to the formulation of the question

The article analyzes the influence of geographic, natural and climatic conditions on the sociocultural development of the territory. The change in the degree of dependence of territorial development on geographical factors in historical retrospect is revealed. 

Keywords: territory, socio-cultural development, natural and climatic conditions

K.V. Kharaishvili, E.A. Yagodkina

pp. 125-129

Innovative forms of work in training of students specialists in museum management

In article the innovative technologies used when training students are considered. 

Keywords: museum, museum environment, exposition, interactive technologies, master class, collage.

N.B. Akoeva

pp. 129-135

Russian culture as a value basis of international interaction in the North Caucasus

The article considers Russian culture as a value basis for interethnic dialogue, a stabilizing factor of interethnic relations in the North Caucasus region. The study reveals the degree and nature of the influence of Russian culture on the processes of interethnic ethno-cultural interaction in the North Caucasus to ensure peace and harmony, development and strengthening of friendly relations, which is especially important in the context of modern sociocultural development of society. Particular attention is paid to the Russian language, which plays an important role in the language of interethnic communication. 

Keywords: Russian culture, values, the Northern Caucasus, the natural and cultural heritage, the Russian language, interethnic dialogue. 

I.I. Gorlova, O.I. Bychkova

pp. 135-141

Cultural heritage of mountain Ingushetia: problems of conservation and use

The article examines the main problems of preservation and use of cultural heritage in the territory of the mountainous Ingushetia using the example of the Jeyrahsko-Assinsky State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve. The authors note the existing contradictions in the Russian legislation regarding the protection of cultural heritage in the border areas, analyzed the practice of actualizing the functions of cultural heritage sites in contemporary cultural policy. 

Keywords: cultural heritage, the Republic of ingushetia, regional cultural policy, preservation of cultural heritage, use of cultural heritage, Jeyrahsko-Assinsky state historical, architectural and natural museumreserve. 

V.E. Naumenko, T.V. Kovalenko

pp. 141-144

Russian scenography in the Victoria and Albert museum

The article is devoted to the collection of Russian scenography in the Victoria and Albert Museum. The author considers the history of the collection, its composition and significance for the preservation and popularization of the Russian cultural heritage abroad. 

Keywords: museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Russian scenography, Russian art in foreign museums, Russian cultural heritage abroad. 

T.Y. Yureneva

pp. 144-148

Patriotism like concept by culture study

The concept “patriotism” belongs for not only to social study, but to the culture studies also. 

Keywords: globalization, mankind, patriotism, person, state. 

B.P. Borisov

pp. 148-151

Cultural identity as society and state ideology integrator

The article reflects the author‘s vision of the expediency of establishing cultural identity as a system integrator of social relations, ensuring ethnosocial stability, preservation and development of the state. 

Keywords: state, ideology, unity, culture, development.

N.G. Denisov

pp. 151-156

Atominter soft the Kuban regionin cultural regionie: modern approaches to the study of problems

The article discusses the methodological approaches to the design of atomintersoft in the context regionii as a phenomenon of culture in the unity of its ontological and perceptual characteristics. Scientific analysis of atomintersoft Kuban as a multi-ethnic region allows to understand the processes of translation of national values and national culture, to understand the uniqueness and inseparability from the cultural space of the country and the world. 

Keywords: ethnological mentality, regionika, regional cultural studies, cultural space, regional identity, ethnological nationality, ethnicity, description of the culture of the region.

N.N. Pavelko


pp. 157-157

Ancient Russian architecture of the pre-Mongol period

N. B. Akoeva, I. G. Ivantsov
