Young Scholars’ Platform
28 Jul 2023
The Chinese Compound of the Moscow Patriarchate in the Management of Orthodox Liturgical and Singing Activities
The article analyzes the activities of the Chinese Metochion of the Moscow Patriarchate, aimed, on the one hand, at preserving the canonical unity of the singing component and the verbal basis of modern Orthodox worship, and, on the other hand, at identifying the specifics of serving services in Chinese.
30 Dec 2021
Themes, Plots and Characters in Bright Sheng’s Operas
The article is the first to consider the operatic works of the contemporary ChineseAmerican composer Bright Sheng (b. 1955). An attempt is made to comprehend the composer’s figurative and thematic preferences in the operatic genre that represent various branches of the musical and stage art of the postmodern era. The main aim of the study is to analyze the vectors of development of the composer’s operatic creativity. In Sheng’s works, one can observe a variety of cultural contexts associated with a wide range of his composing interests, as well as the stylistic integration of his work, representing a conglomerate of myths and historical narratives from European and Eastern traditions.
27 Apr 2021
Heroes of American Comedy Films of the 1990s as a Reflection of the US Culture
The article presents the results of a study of the 1990s US comedy heroes as the embodiment of American culture. The aim of the study is achieved using a hermeneutic approach to cinematography with a subsequent analysis of the behavior and appearance of the typical heroes of US comedy films of the 1990s on the material of the films True Lies, Dumb and Dumber, and Liar, Liar. The study is based on a comparative method that allows correlating the movie characters, methods of analysis and synthesis. Relying on Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic approach, the author interprets the actions of the film characters through the ideas of project, motive, agent, and intervention. The hermeneutic approach provides an opportunity for viewing comedy films as texts, and film characters as symbolic elements of cinematography.
26 Dec 2020
The Domestic Practice of Adapting Latin American Telenovelas (On the Example of Not Born Beautiful)
The article uses the example of the transformation of Latin American originals by structural and functional analysis to consider the principles of transferring the plot to a different cultural environment, their dependence on the local mentality.
30 Apr 2020
Dell’arte comedy mask functions in opera «Pagliacci» by R. Leoncavallo
The objects of the study are the functions of the masks of the comedy dell’arte. It is proved that masks are understood by the composer in their late, aristocratic French style.
26 Dec 2019
New soviet wedding ceremony in Kuban (1960-1980s)
In the article on the basis of documentary materials, periodicals the questions of formation of the Soviet wedding ceremony in Kuban are considered. The structure of the ceremony of solemn registration of marriage is analyzed, its genetic relationship with the traditional Orthodox wedding ceremony is traced. The paper presents statistical data on the spread of the new rite in the region in the period under review.
16 Dec 2019
Yuliy Engel. Unknown pages
In the center of the article is the figure of the prominent music critic, composer and folklorist Yu. Engel. On the basis of unique archival materials of the fund of the Russian national museum of music the life and work of the musician is considered, and also the short review of his ethnomusicological activity is given.
Keywords: Yuliy Engel, musical criticism, musical folklore, P.I. Tchaikovsky, Jewish folk music society, Jewish folk song.
18 Feb 2016
Speech techniques of manipulative influence in advertising with the help of secondary texts
The article is devoted to the lateral texts from the point of view of the manipulative aspect. An attemptwas
made to describe the basic properties of the traditional methods of influence on the reader (listener), taking
into account the specificity of their functioning in non-self-text. As a result, a lateral phenomenon is defined
as an additional means of manipulation, which is superimposed on the basic tactics. At the same time the
main elements of the transformed (lexical, prosodic, plot and under.) was identified and analyzed. Reinforcing
the perception of the effectiveness of the advertising text.
Keywords: text, advertising text, lateral, manipulative tricks and tactics, affecting the function of the text.
18 Feb 2016
Jazz interpretation of music of P.I. Tchaikovsky in later work D. Ellington
The article provides a comparative analysis of orchestral scores of the suite “The Nutcracker” by P. I.
Tchaikovsky and “The Nutcracker Suite” by D. Ellington – B. Strayhorn.The revealed peculiarities related to
the orchestration, techniques of sound production, phrasing, improvisation component, a tonal-harmon ic
development, texture, shape, compositions, appropriate jazz idiom.
Keywords: jazz arranging, improvisation, the art of the rhythm section, big band.