Cultural Studies of Russian South № 1 (60), 2016
Theory and history of culture
pp. 7-10
Socio-cultural aspect of national security policy
Examines the place and role of such socio-cultural phenomenon, as identity, in the processes of strengthening national security of Russia. Demonstrates modern theoretical approaches to the determination of identity and program-political projects its implementation. The author considers the formation of a stable identity Russian society is a necessary condition of the security policy of the country.
Keywords: identity, security, national security, socio-cultural factors, civilization.
I.P. Skvortsovpp. 11-14
The problem of the concept as a phenomenon of culture in the contemporary socio-cultural space
This article focuses on the interpretations of the concept, valuable for cultural linguistics as they provide an opportunity to consider the nature of the mental ideal beings in complex: in terms of philosophy, psychology, logic and linguistics. The concept of culture as a basic element in the mental world of a man is observed. The purpose of the concept to serve as a means of conceptualizing of the outside world is revealed.
Keywords: cultural linguistics, cultural concepts, cultural values, national culture, language, universal categories of culture.
N. Ju. Burjakpp. 14-17
Prospects of development of design functions in the conditions of domestic economics
Characterizes the prospects of development of design functions in the conditions of modern Russian economics. Special attention is paid to the important role of design in the creating of new products.
Keywords: design, modern production, development of functions.
N.V. Anisimovpp. 17-21
The television text in the context of socioculturals determinant of modern society
The television is the most important element of modern mass culture. It has actively won this status. In many respects it is caused by quality of that product which generates and introduces in mass television. It is the television text which possesses the important place in culture and public consciousness of modern society. It is caused by a number of qualities of the television text, but, first of all, its availability and omnipresence. The television as part of modern semiotics system plays a priority role in regulation, management and a manipulation of public processes.
Keywords: text, television text, public consciousness, semiotics management, manipulation.
A.V. Burchikpp. 22-25
Economics as linguocultural, sociocultural and scientific continuum: the integrative aspect
The article deals with the question about the most important quality of the subject area “Economics” and its integrative nature. It was stated that the Economics is an interdisciplinary science and it is global as an extralinguistic phenomenon. The author of the article studies the problem of integration of different economic scientific areas, spheres, courses and fields. All this is defined as a unique cognitive way of forming and continuous development of not only the economic scientific continuum but also the economic term systems, the arsenal of terminological units and special vocabulary – all this is the basis for the formation and function of the language of the Economics as a whole.
Keywords: subject area, intergrativeness, integration, economics, economic sciences, language of science, term, concept, classification.
S.R. TlekhatukCulture and society
pp. 26-31
Private party in the space of russian culture of everyday life
The paper considers the categories of «сulture of Everyday Life» and «private holiday», describes the types of private parties and their peculiarities in modern Russian cultural space of everyday life.
Keywords: cultural studies, philosophy, history, culture, daily, festive culture, traditional holiday, private party, types of private parties.
S. Gh. Azaryanpp. 31-35
Children folklore education – factor in the preservation and continuity of national cultural traditions
The article substantiates the need for the introduction of ethnic and cultural materials in educational and training processes. Children’s folk education is considered as a purposeful activity for the comprehension of ideals, values and texts of the national culture. The development of the traditions folk culture and folklore of children is the basis of the harmonious development of the individual, the most important factor in ensuring the continuity of culture.
Keywords: traditional folk culture, the continuity of cultural traditions, folk education, folk groups, folklore activity, creative activity, harmonious development of children.
E.I. Spitsynapp. 35-38
Cultural-anthropological paradigm of the family in the philosophy of Ibn Sina
The article reveals the key positions of the social concept of the great Muslim thinker of the middle ages, Ibn Sina, their system of thought about society, state and family.
Keywords: family, parenting, Ibn Sina, philosophy, man, woman.
A.A. Buyanovapp. 38-43
Culture olympic games in the mythological discourse historical and cultural process
The article investigates the Olympic games as a phenomenon of world culture, the genesis of which, according to scientists, it is the cradle of human culture.
Keywords: Olympic Games, in mythology, history, culture.
M.A. Filimonova, V.I. LjahCulture and education
pp. 44-49
Matthew Presman-founder of professional music education in Rostov-on-don
The cultural life of the regions
pp. 50-54
Socio-demographic changes before-kolkhoz aul of Adygea (20-ies of XX century)
Article characterizes the rural population and structural changes in it 20 years, also considers the number, placement, national and gender composition of each population group.
Keywords: aul, demography, social characteristics, structure, peasantry, census, morphology of population, statistics.
R.H. YemtylTheory and history of art
pp. 55-61
On some principles of structuring music themes in the music of the movie
The article deals with the migration of musical themes from standalone works of music in cinema. On the material of creativity of A. Schnitke considers the structuring of musical themes through the principles of working with musical quotation, citation, and other forms of borrowing. Special attention is paid to the contextual specificity of its themes, is determined by the genre of the film and interaction with different visuals.
Keywords: Autonomous and applied music, quote, autoritate, musical intonation, allusion, context.
T.F. Shak, O.V. Masichpp. 61-66
G. Sviridov’s operetta «Little lights» in the context of author’s style
The article analyzes operetta “Little Lights” by G. Sviridov. This piece of music brings out the problem of the composer’s early style. The reasons for the absence of further musical and stage development in Sviridov’s work are discovered.
Kewwords: Sviridov, operetta, style, dramaturgy, symbology, quote, revolution, époque
A. A. Predolyakpp. 66-70
The phenomenon of theatricality in the choral works of Valery Gavrilin
The article is devoted to revealing the phenomenon of theatrical composer V. Gavrilin thinking, manifested through a new interpretation of the chorus in the symphony-action of «Chimes» and vocal-symphonic poem «War Letters».
Keywords: style, theatrical, genre synthesis, choir, drama.
Elena Havlinapp. 70-74
Sonata for saxophone-alto and piano by e. Denisov: updates to the problem of genre
This article from the perspective of the problem of updating the genre is considered Sonata for saxophone alto and piano by Edison Denisov. The author makes an analysis of the musical material from the standpoint of identifying traditional and new features that have become inherent in the product. Work in some detail concerns the characteristics of the development of the composer’s style and compositional technique in the submitted essay. The findings draw parallels between the stylistic renewal of the genre and update the arsenal of means and methods of performing.
Keywords: saxophone sonata, E. Denisov, sonata for saxophone, updating the genre.
A. M. Ponkinapp. 74-79
M. Tariverdiev, a song from the film “Premonition of love”: genre-style analysis
In the article on example of song analysis M. Tariverdiev “Premonition of love” reveals the specific features of the singing style of the composer, associated with the interpretation of the poetic text, polyandrously, the peculiarities of form and harmonic language.
Keywords: song, style, genre modulation, musical form.
I.V. Maevskayapp. 79-84
The interaction of communication science and the arts
This article discusses the relevance of the subject. The process of interaction and communication technology and the arts. The specificity and characteristics of the communication technologies in the field of art. The aim of the article is to identify the specific nature of the use of modern communication scinece in the field of arts and culture.
Keywords: communication science, contemporary art, art market, the artist, Museum, targeted audience.
U. B. Tatishcheva