For Authors


The cost of publishing an article from 12 pages is 8500 rubles. The amount does not change with increasing volume

Guidelines for Manuscript Submission to Cultural Studies of Russian South

Cultural Life of the South of Russia accepts previously unpublished materials on theoretical and practical issues of Cultural Studies and Art History.

The Journal Style Sheet

Please be sure your materials contain:

- The UDC code reflecting the topic of the article (issued in the library);

- Surname and initials of the author (co-authors); information about the author(s) (academic degree, academic title, position held and organisation (official title, address), e-mail(s);

- Title of the article;

- Abstract that includes information on the object of the research, methods and novelty of the research, conclusions. The volume of the abstract is 450 to 550 characters with spaces;

- Keywords (5 to 10);

- Text of the article that includes the following elements:

1. Relevance of the research topic

2. Degree of elaboration of the problem/topic

3. Aim, objectives and object of the research

4. Novelty of the research

5. Research methodology

6. Source/empirical basis of research

7. Main (analytical) part (discussion, results)

8. Conclusions, their practical significance, prospects for further research;

- Bibliography.

The originality of the submission must be at least 80%.

Please attach a separate file with information on your phone number (with the country & city code) and full postal address (for your paper copy of the journal).

The author’s materials are submitted in electronic form.

Word Processor: Microsoft Word 2007

Paper size: A4

Font: Times New Roman

Size: 14 pt

Line Spacing: 1.5


Full name of the author(s): left-aligned

Title of the article: centered

Main body of the article: justified

Please be sure to adhere to the appropriate length of an article. Its total volume, including the abstract, keywords, references, information in Russian, should be no less than 12 pages.

Margins: 2 cm top, 2 cm bottom, 3 cm left, 1.5 cm right

Paragraph Indents: 1.25 cm

Please do not number the pages and do not create headers and footers.

Please use italics or bold italics for emphasis.

Please do not underline the text and do not use formatting other than recommended.

Illustrations should be submitted as separate graphic images (JPG, PNG), numbered consecutively (Arabic numerals), given titles and captions. Tables should also be given titles that reflect their content and placed immediately after the paragraph in which they are first mentioned.

Citations should be embedded in square brackets after the quote with the use of the reference number, volume and page, e.g. [1. Vol. 2. P. 25].

References should be placed at the end of the text. They should be arranged and numbered in the order of citation in the text, not in the alphabetical order. One number should refer to only one source of citation.

Notes should be given in the form of endnotes. If an endnote cites any information, the source should be given in References, and the number of this source should follow the number of the source cited in the text body that precedes the endnote.

References should include at least 10 sources. The Journal welcomes references to the latest literature. The Journal does not accept manuscripts citing materials from Wikipedia and other free online encyclopedias.

Following References is information in Russian, which includes:

1) Russian versions of the author’s full name, organisation, and of the title of the article;

2) Russian version of keywords;

3) Abstract of the article in Russian (1,500 to 2,500 characters with spaces) and the original text of the abstract in English (for the translator-editor).

Please structure the abstract as following: the problem of the research (aim of the article), the research material and methods, the course of the research, and the conclusions obtained.

The abstract should reflect the essential parts of the research.

For referencing sources in the Cyrillic script, please use for transliteration.

Sample Reference Entries



Sapolsky, R.M. (2017) Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst. New York: Penguin Books.


Hygum, E. & Pedersen, P.M. (eds) (2010) Early Childhood Education: Values and Practices in Denmark. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Chapter in an Edited Book

Thestrup, K. (2010) To transform, to communicate, to play—The experimenting community in action. In: Hygum, E. & Pedersen, P.M. (eds) Early Childhood Education: Values and Practices in Denmark. Copenhagen: Hans Reitzels Forlag.

Transliterated Samples

Trosby, D. (2013) Kul'tura i ekonomika [Culture and Economics]. Translated from English by I. Kushnareva. Moscow: Higher School of Economics.

Kormiltsev, I. & Surova, O. (1998) Rok-poeziya v russkoy kul'ture: vozniknovenie, bytovanie, evolyutsiya [Rock poetry in Russian culture: Emergence, existence, evolution]. In: Domansky, Yu. (ed.) Russkaya rok-poeziya: tekst i kontekst [Russian Rock Poetry: Text and Context]. Tver: Tver State University. pp. 5–39.

Journal Articles

Grady, J.S. et al. (2019) Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture. 8 (3). pp. 207–217. DOI: 10.1037/ppm0000185

Transliterated Sample

Spektor, D.M. (2016) Vechnost' prostranstva i vremeni i ikh obrashchenie [Eternity of Space and Time, and Their Transformation]. Filosofiya i kul'tura – Philosophy and Culture. 12. pp. 1631–1638. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2016.12.2084


Mulder, E. (2016) The Hyettian Rural Landscape – Study into the Classical-Hellenistic Rural Sites of the Ancient Greek City of Hyettos Through Ceramic Survey Material. Archeology M.Sc. Diss. Leiden.

Transliterated Sample

Koshkarova, Yu.A. (2010) Arkhetipicheskiy obraz medvedya v dukhovnoy kul’ture narodov Rossii [The Archetypal Image of a Bear in the Spiritual Culture of the Peoples of Russia]. Abstract of Culturology Cand. Diss. Krasnodar.

Pershkina, A.N. (2013) Zhurnal brat’ev Dostoevskikh “Vremya”: istoriya, poetika, problemy atributsii [The brothers Dostoevsky Journal “Vremya”: History, poetics, attribution problems]. PhilologyCand. Diss. Moscow.


The Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI). Fund 645. List 1. File 356.

Online Sources

Bologna, C. (2019) Why some people with anxiety love watching horror movies. [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 18.05.2018).

Transliterated Sample

Petrov, S. (1976) Derzhavin. Zhizn’ zvanskaya [Derzhavin. Life in Zvanka]. [Online] Available from: (Accessed: 18.05.2018).


Cultural Studies of Russian South uses double-blind peer review for its submissions.

1. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal are examined by the Science Editor of the Journal who examines them for compliance with the Journal’s scope and requirements (see Guidelines for Manuscript Submission). The Science Editor informs the author about the status of the manuscript via e-mail. The manuscript that does not comply with the formal requirements is not accepted for publication, which is reported to the author via e-mail.

2. The Science Editor sends the manuscript to a reviewer in the field. Reviewers are members of the Journal’s Editorial Board (Editorial Council), highly qualified scholars and experts from other organisations with in-depth expertise and experience in a particular field.

3. The review periods are individual. It takes no less than 15 days to have the manuscript reviewed.

4. The Journal uses double-blind peer review. The author receives no data on reviewer(s), and vice versa. The review the author receives contains no data on the reviewer’s name, position, organisation.

5. If the reviewer recommends that the author revises the manuscript, the Science Editor of the Journal sends the review to the author with a suggestion they take it into account when preparing a new version of the manuscript or a rebuttal (partial or point-by-point) to the reviewer’s comments.

6. Revisions must be completed and submitted within a month after the author receives the reviewer’s comments. The revised manuscript is again sent to the reviewer. The date the editors receive the manuscript is the date of the submission of its revised version.

7. The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts if authors do not follow the editors’ recommendations.

8. The manuscript rejected by the reviewer is not to be re-submitted.

9. In case of negative reviews on the manuscript or its revised version, the manuscript is rejected with a mandatory notification of the author on the reasons for such a decision.

10. The Journal does not publish:

- manuscripts containing previously published materials;

- manuscripts that do not conform to the Journal’s guidelines for manuscript submission;

- manuscripts by authors who refuse from the technical revision of their manuscripts;

- manuscripts by authors who do not follow the constructive recommendations of the reviewer or do not rebut them.

11. After the Editorial Board (Editorial Council) makes a decision to accept the manuscript for publication, the Science Editor informs the author via e-mail and indicates the possible date of publication.

12. The order of the publication of manuscripts is determined by the registration date of the manuscript submission. The Editorial Board (Editorial Council) reserves the right to publish manuscripts of particular significance and novelty out of turn.

The Editorial Staff does not discuss with their authors the content of manuscripts, the principles of writing and formatting manuscripts, and does not correct manuscripts so that they meet the Journal standards.