Cultural Studies of Russian South №2 (57), 2015
pp. 1-2
Title page
pp. 3-4
pp. 5-6
From editor
Theory and history of culture
pp. 7-11
Cultures community as basis of allied state of Russian Federation and republic of Belarus
Article deals with the major issues of the functioning of the Union State on the basis of common cultural and state foundations, are essential aspects of cooperation in the field of culture.
Key words: Federal State, culture of Russia and Belarus, intercultural interaction.
N. Ye. Gavrilina, A. Yu. Davityanpp. 11-15
Actual aspects of ukrainian subculturology
Problem of subculture in the cultures reflection is analyzed, are raized topical issues of the theory of subculture, that have become topical after changes in mental paradigm have taken place, accompanied by social and sociocultural transformations in the conditions of postsoviet Ukraine.
Key words: culture, subculture, culturology, resonance subcultures, cultural space of Ukraine.
V. А. Radziyevskyypp. 16-19
Year of literature in Russia and modern theatrical culture
Analyzing the issues of drama, its realization in modern performances, authors address cultural and ethical aspects relevant to domestic theatrical culture.
Key words: playwriting, directing, interpretation, modern theatre.
V. K. Gevorgyan, M. K. Naidenkopp. 19-22
Moral improvement of mankind in V. L. Solovyov philosophy
Actual problems possible, the content and goals of moral progress are considered in the context of philosophical reflection V. L. Solovyov.
Key words: V. L. Solovyov philosophy, personality moral progress, new religious consciousness.
Ye. A. Naidenkopp. 22-25
Soviet mass song as a phenomenon of musical art of XX century
Development of the mass songs in the Soviet Union analyses in the article. Vocal works have been widely disseminated since the beginning of XX century and had a profound influence on the people mentality, on the formation of the dominant values and public opinion in general.
Key words: Soviet mass songs, music art, folk art.
V. I. Lyakh, D. A. SigidaCulture and society
pp. 26-29
About relationship between social policy and social security
Author shows that social security can be thought of as one of the results of social policy. In turn, social security is conducive to harmonious and balanced social policy.
Key words: social policy, social security, national security.
I. P. Skvortsovpp. 29-32
Socio-helping practices in a transformed Russian society in the beginning of XXI sentury: sociological analysis
In the contemporary Russian society, social changes are directly linked with external globalization context, our country in which included . In this regard, there are significant changes in the different institutional structures, subsystems of society, spheres of social activity, socio-helping practices.
Key words: globalization, transforming society, socio-helping practices, risk society.
T. V. FogelCulture and education
pp. 33-36
Socialization and patriotic education of students by means of modern visual agitation
The article discusses issues related to improvement of the level of socialization and Patriotic education of students.
Key words: socialization, educational process, students patriotic education, visual propaganda.
D. A. Gorbacheva, I. V. Kotenko, D. M. Kryukov, T. V. Petrovapp. 36-39
Pedagogical conditions students organizational and managerial skills formation at the university
Article reflects the principle of formation of organizational and managerial skills in modern conditions. Reveals the essence of the competency approach in the context of the real needs of the economy, education and social services. Establishes a framework in understanding the competencies generated in the learning process, as well as the pedagogical conditions necessary for this.
Key words: personality self-organization, competency model, case, training.
A. A. Gorbachov, M. A. Manvelyan, V. V. Ivanovpp. 39-42
Development of the language personality’s culture in professional education
Article discusses the changed educational paradigm, which nominated the student in the rank of the subject of educational activity and cross-cultural communication, and oriented all educational process on development of the language person culture, cognitive abilities and personal qualities of the student that are primarily manifested in translation activity.
Key words: language personality, policultural educational environment, motivation, communication, cognitive approach.
N. Yu. BouriakProblems of national history
pp. 43-47
Socio-political transformation the natuhais and shapsugs at the end of XVIII century
This article analyzes socio-political situation in the Caucasus in the XVIII century among the Adyghe subethnic groups. Social tensions caused by the arbitrariness of the authorities, led to the overthrow of feudal authority and establish political equality in society.
Key words: Adyghe sub-ethnic groups, socio-political revolution, feudalism.
A. Yu. Сhirgpp. 47-51
Operation of intercity cartage in the Kuban and Black sea region in the late XIX – early XX century
Author considers the intra-urban horse-drawn communication as one of the major subsystems of South of Russia emerging urban infrastructure, analyzes the characteristics of its development in a region.
Key words: horse-drawn transport, urban planning, urban infrastructure, urbanization.
А. G. Sidyakinаpp. 52-56
Culture of the Cossack emigration (1920–1930)
Paper aims at presenting the main aspects of the manifestation of the Cossack culture and its role in preserving the Cossack identity.
Key words: Cossacks, Cossack emigration, Cossack culture.
O. V. RatushnyakPhilology
pp. 57-59
«Through the shape of the inner meaning of the text» (Principles of the formal-structural analysis N. S. Trubetskoy)
Article discusses the concept structure as a theoretical concept of critical methodology N. S. Trubetskoy on example of the article «“Journey beyond three seas” Athanasius Nikitin as a literary monument».
Key words: structure, dynamic model, narrative model, levels of the text, the method of formal analysis, composition.
L. N. Raguzova, S. V. Suprunpp. 60-62
Philosophy of «movements» in artistic chronotope (based on the M. M. Prishvin works)
In the article on the example of M. M. Prishvin explains conceptually-semantic constants of motion, which is the semantic core of the motive of the path. He is the plotforming and meaningforming in the writer works, in different versions is implemented in the complex spatial and temporal relations.
Key words: movement, chronotope (time and space), Unity, path.
N. I. Lishovapp. 62-64
Differentiation of functional styles: issues and trends
This article deals with basic directions of functional stylistics development, analyzed the prevailing traditions and new trends that emerged under the influence of modern linguistic and socio-psychological processes.
Key words: stilistics, functional, style, style differenting.
A. S. Statsenko, O. Ye. Pavlovskayapp. 64-68
Some cognitive properties of structural and functional syntactic units
In the article from the perspective of linguistic analysis cuhc tool of speech activity as a structural and functional syntactic units that form the basis of syntactical language level is characterized. It is on the basis of their use in accordance with the capabilities of their compatibility and co-positioning are communicative intention of speaking.
Key words: structural syntactic units, components of the proposal, syntactic position, sintaksems.
V. A. Doroshenkov, E. V. Sivakovapp. 68-70
Medical English text as an object of study and translation
In the article presents the classification of medical terms, describes the difficulties encountered in the transfer, and the ability to overcome them, which is especially important in view of the international status of English language and relevance of the medical literature.
Key words: medical text, medical terminology, translation features.
I. V. Uvarova, I. A. Borisenkopp. 71-74
Artistic text as a unique model of mental peace
Discusses the specificity, the most important features and functions of the artwork is copyright agent of innerpeace. With special emphasis on mentality and kognitivnosti, defined as the main interrelated ontological text properties.
Key words: mental picture of the world, artistic text, mental-representative function text, cognition.
L. Y. Buyanova, O. Yu. Schibryapp. 74-78
Expressional and stylistic labels of biblical expressions in various dictionaries
Role of biblical words and expressions in modern speech analized. Represented the results of the research conducted on material of five modern dictionaries which won’t be agreed with each other rather some expressional and stylistic labels of biblical words and expressions.
Key words: biblical expressions, expressional and stylistic label codification, speech competence.
I. P. Nazarova, E. N. Ryadchikovapp. 78-82
Lexico-phraseological representation of the concept theatre in the Russian national picture of the world
Article analyses lexicographical material of the concept theatre in the Russian linguistic picture of the world: reveals a number of synonyms of lexeme «theatre»; singles out lexical-semantic groups as well as phraseological and paremiological units within the structure of the concept theatre.
Key words: concept theatre, phraseological unit, paremiological unit, lexical-semantic group.
L. A. Isaeva, S. A. KalininaEthnography
pp. 83-87
Tradition of «avoidance» in the Caucasian family (XVII–XXI senturyes)
Mountaineers of the North Caucasus had a custom of avoidance according to which daughter-in-law had no right to talk to elder relatives of her husband. This custom impeded socialization of women during the modernization of the society that began in 1920s, that’s why soviet authorities organized large scale campaign of bringing mountain women in social activities, education, and cultural life. These measures gave results but the custom is still not completely overcome.
Key words: сustoms of the Highlanders, tradition of avoiding, human rights, North Caucasus.
T. A. Nevskayapp. 87-93
Factory garment production and consumer demand in soviet Russia in the late 1920’s – early 1930’s: regional dimension (Based on Kuschevskaya district)
On the basis of archival sources considered range of the domestic garment industry in the center and the region, and the dynamics of consumer demand for peasant and urban types of clothing in a particular area.
Key words: clothing industry, consumer demand, store the finished dresses, peasant / urban clothing.
A. V. Maximova, N. A. GangurTribune of the young scientist
pp. 94-97
About features of artistic text implicit information
Аrticle is devoted to specific implicit information. Considered logically inferred here types: national cultural, art and individually-author; factual and conceptual. Highlights do not require withdrawal of konvensum – existential or historical and cultural presuppoziciy: religious (confessional), social, national, social, historical and emotional-sensual.
Key words: implicit; factual, conceptual, national-cultural, artistic, individually-author’s information; konvensum.
O. G. Umanskayapp. 97-101
Metaphorical construction of female identity
This article presents a logical-semantic analysis of the functioning of secondary nomination (metaphors) of women in the English language on the material of the British National Corpus (BNC).
Key words: secondary nomination, cognitive metaphor, gender identity, female identity.
L. P. Murashovapp. 101-106
Some features of R. Kipling’s linguistic picture of the world
Reconstructing of the linguistic picture of the world of a certain country and epoch, being one of the most important tasks of modern linguistic semantics, is fulfilled by means of textual, lexicon, thesaurus and psychological portraits analysis of the symbolic linguistic personality (R. Kipling in our article).
Key words: R. Kipling creation, linguistic picture of the world, linguistic personality, concept.
A. G. Manuelianpp. 106-110
Organization and establishment of Istpart in the Kuban
Article deals with activities of the Kuban Istpart period 1922–1928 years, examines various approach es tothe collection and processing of information material in the creation of a unique source for subsequent researchers of the history of revolution.
Key words: Kuban Istpart, Bureau Istparta of Kuban-Black Sea region, Archival Bureau, Museum Of The Revolution, «evening of memories».
A. R. Kazanchipp. 110-114
Representation in conflict proverbs caused personally, gender-sensitively, socially, emotionally, ontologically
A study on the material of Russian proverbial conflict material, made it possible to identify their core values, intentions, illokutivnye estimated markedness, and to analyze the reflected in these conflicts.
Key words: paroemia, conflict, stipulation, illocutivity, intents.
E. Yu. NiktovenkoTo remember...
pp. 115-118
Contribution of the Kuban musicians – participants of the Great Patriotic war – in development of the soviet musical culture (Plotnichenko G. M., Slepov A. I., Eryomenko S. I.)
B. A. TrekhbratovInformation about authors
pp. 119-121
Information about authors
Instruction to the author
pp. 122-122