Cultural Studies of Russian South № 3 (66), 2017
pp. 0-0
pp. 1-2
pp. 3-4
Theory and history of culture
pp. 7-10
To the question of the role of scientific society in the protection of the cultural heritage of Russia at the abroad of the XIX-XX centuries: reality, ideas, bills
The article outlines the main activities of the all-Russian and North Caucasian scientific societies for the protection of cultural heritage. The system of measures necessary for this has been identified and the most urgent issues for today are indicated.
Keywords: scientific society, cultural heritage, system of measures, legal ideas.
L.A. Karapetyanpp. 10-13
Features of the philosophical culture of Italy after its reunification
The article analyzes the Italian philosophical culture at the edge of XIX-XX centuries, especially views of the spiritualists, positivists and neohegelians.
Keywords: рhilosophical culture of Italy, spiritualism, positivism, neohegelism.
A.L. Zorinpp. 13-16
Network paradigm in gilles Deleuze nomadology
The article discusses one of the «network paradigm» versions in contemporary philosophy of culture – Gilles Deleuze nomadology. Cultural and anthropological features of nomadism and its relationship with space and time phenomena of the state and power, knowledge and war are identified in the article.
Keywords: philosophy of culture, network paradigm in culture, network culture, nomads, government, anthropology, Gilles Deleuze.
S.N. Borisov, M.А. Ignatov, V.P. Rimskypp. 17-19
Art in the discourse of soviet culture
The article reveals the place of art in the discourse of Soviet culture, which focuses on his class, nationality, partisanship, internationalism, mass, a foundation of the cultural policy of the state.
Keywords: art, Soviet culture, society, artist and the people.
Yu.E. Arkhangelskypp. 20-24
Formation of the symbolic sphere of culture in representations of analytical psychology of K.G. Jung
The views of K.G. Jung are analyzed in the context of his concept of the «collective unconscious». It is revealed that in the Jung’s system the personal unconscious appears as a kind of individual-concrete form, which is accepted by the archetypal formations of the collective unconscious. The most significant of the Jung’s archetypes and their significance are considered. It is emphasized that the German scientist saw in the archetypal images the formative principle that is present in the psyche of every person and finds its expression, in particular, in the processes of symbol formation.
Keywords: K.G. Jung, analytical psychology, the unconscious, the archetype, the symbols.
O.B. Elkan, V.A. Putrapp. 24-32
Confessional bases of traditional and posttraditional variability of gender relations in adyghe society
The article investigates variability of gender situation depending on the interaction of traditional culture and Islam. Dependence of forms and ways of penetration of Islam into Circassion society with the degree of its impact on ethnic institutions. Considered mutual infiltration of the most suitable elements in the collision of two cultures, in this case the monotheistic ides and ethnic paganism. We identify that the gender patterns in traditional society, founded on ancient archetypical representation of the equality of male and female remained unchanged for a long time, until the recent penetration of radical Islam. It is shown that brought Islamic gender roles based on patriarchal patterns of behavior, only formally framed ethno-cultural gender representation of Adyghe society expressed in rituals, and not becoming the core of socio-cultural integrity. Keywords: gender, gender variability, traditional culture, postraditionalism, ethno-cultural gender representation, Islamic culture, confessional pluralism, Adyghe Habza, wedding ceremony, funeral ceremony.
Z.M. KatanchievTheory and history of art
pp. 33-39
Tiled stoves in the interior of residential and public buildings of the Kuban region of the end of the XIX – the beginning of the XX century
For the first time, in the article are considered style features of tiled decor of room stoves of rural residential and public buildings of the Kuban. The authors focus on the issues of attribution of tiles, typology, semantics of decorative forms. As a result of the comparative-typological study it was revealed that the largest suppliers of stoves / fireplace furnaces to Kuban in the period under review were tile factories in the town of Kopys in Mogilev province and Vitebsk tile and majolica plant B.Ya. Lisovsky.
Keywords: architecture of the Kuban, stove, tiles, tiled decor.
N.A. Gangur, A.G. Kurlyanchikovpp. 40-45
Neoliberal interpretation theory industries of culture in the specificity of musical criticism
The article is devoted to a critical analysis interpretations theory cultural industry, developed by representative of the Frankfurt school, Theodor Adorno. Considering the views of followers of T.W. Adorno’s views, the author notes that the study of mass music is impossible without an interdisciplinary approach combining art criticism, political, socio-economic factors.
F.M. Shakpp. 45-49
The work of the voice apparatus of the performer when playing the saxophone and professional singing
The article highlights the current issues relating to the physiological characteristics of the work of the vocal apparatus Executive bodies when playing the saxophone and singing professionally. The main subject of analysis is the interdependence of the quality of the sound and the correct position of the organs in the vocal and instrumental sound production. Careful attention is directed to the interaction of the components «vocal-instrumental» type setting, revealed a number of common points and justify the need for their use in performing wind.
Keywords: saxophone, performing on saxophone, professional singing, vocal apparatus artist, «vocalinstrumental» setting.
A.M. Ponkina, E.V. Grigoryevpp. 49-52
Halfdan Kjerulf – composer and enlightener of the period of early romanticism in Norway
The article is dedicated to the Norwegian composer of the first half of the 19th century Halfdan Kjerulf. The peculiarities of his style are revealed, the significance for Norwegian music culture is revealed, in particular for the creative searches of E. Grieg.
Keywords: Halfdan Kjerulf, romanticism, traditional Norwegian music, chamber music, piano music, style.
A.A. Predolyak, K.V. Nazarenkopp. 53-59
The peculiarities of the modern state of musical and ethnographic tradition of the Belorechensk region of the Krasnodar territory (based on the materials of the Krasnodar state institute of culture folk expedition)
The aim of this article is to analyze current state of folk tradition in Belorechensky district of Krasnodar region. The second folklore and ethnographic expedition “Preservation of folk culture of Kuban” of Kuban state institute of culture (led by senior lecturer KSIC Zhiganova S.A.) studied music and folk traditions of some settlements that had not been scientifically described earlier. The expedition was supported by the grant RHF №15-14-23602 е(r) and took place in September 2015. The expedition worked with folk ensembles of Bzheduhovskoy village, Gurian village,Vysotniy village, Novoalekseevskaya village. The genre system, the stylistic qualities of tradition were subjected to analysis.
Keywords: folklore and ethnographic expedition, music and ethnographic tradition, traditional folk culture, folk genres, musical and rhythmical, chord organization.
S.A. Zhiganova, N.E. Bagdasaryanpp. 59-63
The gipsy subject “Carmen” of Zh. Bizet in the context of the european culture
In article the Gipsy motives of an image of Carmen at Zh. Bizet’s predecessors – P. Merimee and T. Gaultier are analyzed. The psychological typicalness of the heroine of the opera in the context of the attitude of the Western European society towards Roma is traced. The Russian tradition of perception of the Gipsy art reveals. Symbolism of character of Carmen reveals also on the example of a poetic cycle of A. Blok emphasizing her absolute “inobyty”, inability to harmony of existence in regulations of the European culture.
Keywords: the Gipsy subject in the European culture, “Carmen” of Bizet, “Carmen” of Merimee, “Carmen” of Blok, archetypic character of Carmen.
M.Yu. Kosilkinpp. 64-66
The state of the problem of research of architectural and art metal of the 1920-1950th years: analysis of historiography
The article analyzes the literature dealing with problems of studying Soviet architecture and art metal on a piece of 1920–1950th years. Reviewed books and publications of various place time of publication, from the 1950th to the present. The material is presented from the point of view of chronology and stylistic development in architecture and decorative art.
Keywords: Soviet architecture, constructivism, Stalin’s empire style, architectural and art metal.
А.N. АlgazinaCulture and society
pp. 67-70
The union of art and work in history of the Soviet Kuban
The article reveals the features of the development of the Union of Art and Labor in the history of culture of the Soviet Kuban, which played a certain role in shaping the outlook of the rural workers and helped organize their leisure space.
Keywords: art, work, history of culture, Soviet Kuban.
Yu.E. Arkhangelskypp. 70-73
The ancient classification of the sciences: general characteristics
The article discusses the principles of classification of the sciences of antiquity, examines the methodological principles of the classifications of Plato and Aristotle, Christian theologians of Aurelius Augustine and Basil the Great. The philosophers of antiquity allocate as leading grounds division – properties of the human soul (Plato) or cognitive ability of the individual (Aristotle). During the Christian antiquity of the phenomena of reality are considered in the context of biblical teaching about the six days of creation (st. Basil the Great), later the basis of the classifications is the principle of ascent from the sensual to the abstract (Aurelius Augustine).
Keywords: classification of the sciences, philosophical classification, the Christian classification, library classification, classification, Antiquity, the philosophers of Antiquity.
N.A. Stepanovapp. 73-76
The Russian philosophy and the university before the challenges of the 21st century
Higher education (the university, institute, academy) was considered as socially prestigious knowledge in the USSR. General higher education was considered to be an ideal according to ideology. The higher education was free. Nowadays the higher education (university) has lost its absolute prestige in Russia. The wealth and luxury have become prestigious. The science and education are considered from the point of view of compliance to values of capitalism of information civilization. The status of Philosophy as science about general knowledge has decreased. The prestige of religion and policy has grown. Philosophy together with science face challenges of a modern global civilization.
Keywords: education, science, Philosophy, university, information society.
V.P. Gritsenko, T.Yu. Danilchenko, V.P. RimskyCulture and education
pp. 77-80
About semantic barriers of the professional identity of students
The acquisition of professional identity is a nonlinear process that determines the success of professional socialization. However, in the way of its formation arise semantic barriers, typology which creates prerequisites for the organization of the individually-differentiated approach in the educational process of the University. The authors, based on the analysis of the statuses of professional identity Marcia, is complementing its model of semantic barriers, terminology referred to as “roll” and “mistakes” of professional identity.
Keywords: professional identity, meaning, semantic barrier, barrier of professional identity, confusion of professional identity, professional identity errors.
E.P. Aleksandrov, E.V. Lashchevapp. 80-85
Innovative approaches in the sphere of ethno-cultural education in Crimea
The article discusses the results of a sociological study «The situation with the ethno-cultural content of education in the Crimean Federal District», conducted by the Crimean regional non-profit public organization «Center for social and humanitarian studies and projects» in 2016 at the Republic of the Crimea. The main contents of the study on the examination of the situation with the languages of instruction and languages, who are studying in educational institutions in the Republic of Crimea is currently, as well as questions about the level of tolerance and xenophobia among Crimean residents - who teach, students and their parents.
Keywords: education, culture, ethnic culture, ethno-cultural content of education, Republic of Crimea.
O.A. Griva, V.A. Chigrinpp. 86-89
Concept and structure of artistic-communicative competence of the teacher-musician
In article on the basis of the analysis of research literature reveal the content and structure artisticcommunicative competence of the musician-teacher. The article is of interest for specialists of professional musical education. Attention is drawn to the specificity of musical communication, and its main feature (property) is dialogic.
Keywords: professional competence, musical communication, artistic-communicative competence of the musician-teacher
V.G. Polyushkin, K.V. Polyushkinapp. 89-91
Peculiarities of forming the musical culture of schoolchildren at the present stage
The article reveals general concepts of the state of contemporary musical culture and culture in general. Educational system, as the basis for the formation in man of the highest priorities, mor ality and responsibility. The structure of modern music education in retrospect of the newest working programs on the subject “Music” is considered. The influence of modern musical culture and the introduction of innovations in the educational process.
Keywords: musical culture, modern musical education, musical work programs, modern musical material.
E.V. Lashcheva, M.V. ShvetsLibrary science and documentary information
pp. 92-96
Unusual museums of the world: urgent need or tribute to the time?
In article the problems of the modern museums caused by modernization processes in the sphere of culture are considered. Examples of unusual expositions in some museums of Russia and abroad, connected with changes in museum activity are given.
Keywords: museum, museum environment, exposition, concept, museum subject.
N.B. Akoevapp. 96-100
Organizational and methodological issues of personnel training in the field of document management and archival studies on the example of the Krasnodar state institute of culture activity
In article problems of improvement of training of students in the Document Science and Archive Science direction are considered. Change in educational programs in accordance with federal state educational standards. Experience of department of document science and design activity of the Krasnodar state institute of culture.
Keywords: preparation of bachelors “Document Management and Archival Studies”, quality of training, ways to improve the preparation of document experts.
E.Y. Galimova, M.A. Miroshnichenkopp. 100-105
Features of master’s training of specialists in the field of library and information activities in Germany
The system of training for library and information sector in Germany includes preparation of bachelors and masters. Educational programmes are modular and include both mandatory and optional disciplines. The analysis of curricula at the master’s four universities showed their versatility and the ability to prepare unique specialists with a focus on different aspects of library and information work. For master programs will also apply distance learning, which allows you to study without leaving their jobs.
Keywords: libraries, higher education, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, library and information specialist.
S.A. Alasheyevapp. 103-105
Virtual made reference and cognitive linguistics
A virtual reference representing an answer to a user‘ request about any concept considered from point of view of cognitive linguistics remains out of view of experts. It is a source, lexicographical, bibliographic resource for the multiaspect research.
Keywords: concept, virtual made reference, reference and bibliographic service, source base.
V.V. GoncharovaThe cultural life of the regions
pp. 106-112
The director of theatrical performances and festivals: professional and personal aspect
The article is devoted to the study of directing as a professional activity. The authors address the historical aspect of the formation of the profession of director of pageants and holidays. The article reveals the specifics of the director’s creativity and determines the director’s functions, abilities and skills.
Keywords: direction, directing theatre, the directing profession, the identity of the director, functions of the director, professional skills director, specific ability of the director.
T.K. Donskaya, I.V. Goliusovapp. 112-117
Ecology of music: socio-cultural dimension
The article is devoted to the research of the concept “music ecology”. It is closely related to the human ecology, considered in the philosophical-anthropological and socio-cultural dimensions. In this context, the music ecology becomes in one row with such concepts as culture ecology, environmental ecology. This actualizes the significance of the problems raised, based on the tasks set for the community of the Russian Federation in the Year of Ecology, the main one of which is ensuring environmental safety in the country. Most fully the article investigates the therapeutic function of music in the sociо-cultural space.There is every reason to believe that music therapy, as a new direction in science, will allow the emergence of a new system for the improvement of man and the harmonization of the environment of his habitat.
Keywords: music ecology, culture ecology, music therapy, entropy, harmonious habitat.
N.V. Kazinapp. 117-120
K.S. Aksakov about the nationality of art: formation of the concept
On the basis of primary sources, the concept of the nationality of K.S. Aksakov’s art has been reconstructed and analyzed, its genesis has been comprehended – from the constructions in the spirit of Hegel to the original teaching.
Keywords: K.S. Aksakov, the nationality of art, the Slavophiles.
E.O. Bondarenko, V.B. Khramov