Cultural Studies of Russian South №4 (55), 2014
pp. 1-2
Title page
pp. 3-4
Theory and history of culture
pp. 5-11
Pasquale Anfossi’s operas in Russian and Spanish musical theatre of the second half of the XVIII century
Considering the important component of a dynamically changing panorama of the cultural life of the second hal of the XVIII century – the work of Italian composer Anfossi in the context of the epoch, the auther aims to reveal theaatmosphere of the event at the opera Russian and Spanish musical theatre.
Кey words: Pasquale Anfossi, Russian and Spanish musical theater of the second part of XVIII century.
O. K. Budyka Zhitkovapp. 11-13
Elements of experimental psychology in K. S. Stanislavsky system
In the article the search of K. S. Stanislavsky in the field of contemporary psychology when creating a creative system of acting.
Key words: Stanislavsky system, experimental psychology, subconscious.
M. K. Naidenkopp. 13-17
Film festival in chicago as а part of the global socio-cultural system of producing
The work is devoted to Film Festival in Chicago, the oldest in North America, its value in the socio-cultural and professional spheres of society.
Key words: Michael Kutza, film festival, system of producing, educational programs.
I. Y. Levitinapp. 17-20
Songs about Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd in domestic mass musical culturea
The article presents a brief overview of the transformation song samples about Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd in domestic mass musical culture of the twentieth century in the light of the historical and ideological transformations.
Keywords: Tsaritsyn-Stalingrad-Volgograd, patriotic songs, patriotic mass musical culture.
O. S. IlichevаCulture and society. Philosophy. Sociology
pp. 21-24
To the question about the role of the fantastic views in the formation of mythology and religion
Article reveals the importance of fantasy in mythological and religious-dimensional worldview and their relationship with the culture of modern Russia. Fantasy is understood by the authors as a universal anthropological cultural phenomenon, the essential measurement to determine people’s self-expression and freedom, creative implementation.
Key words: fantasy, imagination, mythological worldview, philosophy of religion, culture.
I. M. Gorbunova, O. N. Yurechkopp. 24-27
Spirituality in the system of national security of Russia
Article discusses the phenomenon of spirituality in the aspect of strengthening the national security of Russia, the contemporary understanding of its nature and content, and possible ways of development.
Key words: spirituality, national security, spiritual security, national idea.
I. P. Skvortsov, G. P. Оtiuckiypp. 27-28
About the questions «included» in cultural science ideas and innovations in history
The author considers questions of «included» in cultural ideаs and discoveries in history of science. He gives a point, underlines about novelty in modern science.
Key words: «included» scientific ideas, ideas of realization, discoveries.
N. E. Drobyazkopp. 28-33
Economic aspects of activities bodies of state protection of monuments of history and culture in the 60–70-ies of XX century (On the example of Krasnodar region)
In the scientific article by the authors on the example of Krasnodar region briefly summarizes and analyses the main economic components in the sphere of state protection of objects of cultural heritage in the 60 – 70s of the XX century.
Key words: protection of monuments, financing, Krasnodar region, Russian society of protection of monuments of history and culture.
G. G. Davydenko, M. P. Berlizovpp. 33-35
Law mechanism of socio-helping practice formation
The author considers the construction of socio-helping practices, which occurs not only due to internal sources of self-development, but also with some support of the state, using state-legal mechanism of formation.
Key words: socio-helping practice, law mechanism of their formation, charity.
T. V. Fogelpp. 35-37
Concept of the symbolical capital in modern sociology
Clause is devoted to the analysis of becoming of the concept of the symbolical capital. In it the problem of comprehension of an estimation of symbolical cost of various spheres of human activity in connection with a variety of forms of the symbolical capital, including cost of reputation, territory, a brand is investigated.
Key words: non-material actives, symbolical cost, exchange value, social status.
K. M. Martirosyanpp. 37-42
The reflection on the reflection (About the book by A. C. Sokolov «Philosophy of information»)
Article contains a critical analysis of the main provisions of the book, the author proves the loyalty attribute understanding of the nature and essence of the information asserted by the methodology of synergetics as the basis of theoretical ideas about the Genesis and the development of bibliographic information.
Key words: philosophy, information, methodology, theory and reflection, synergetics, bibliography, bibliographical information.
T. A. NovozhenovaCulture and education
pp. 43-45
Woman’s education genesis in the Kuban region (40-ies of the XIX – beginning of XX centuries)
This article discusses the emergence of primary and secondary female education in the Kuban.
Key words: women’s education, school, Kuban Cossack army, «Mariinkа».
B. A. Trekhbratov, С. A. Trekhbratovapp. 46-48
Formation of individual pedagogical style of the teacher of higher education institution in process professional development
In article from a position of competence-based and synergetic approaches the criteria testifying to formation of individual pedagogical style of the teacher of higher education institution are defined.
Key words: high school, teaching style, competence.
A. V. Skripkina, I. Kh. Meshevpp. 48-53
Development priorities of pedagogy as the humanities
Аrticle describes the development priorities of pedagogy as the Humanities its role in implementing the fundamental purpose of education, characterized by further prospects of its development.
Key words: pedagogy, meaningful didactic, scientific knowledge, integration of personality.
I. A. Rudakova, Ye. E. Udovikpp. 53-55
Regional component as one of the ways of development of personal universal educational activity of students
Article discusses the use of a regional component as a way of personal development universal educational actions. As the author raises the issue of cancellation of the component and leads evidence in its application in the classroom.
Key words: regional component, universal educational actions, Federal state standard.
T. V. Knyshukpp. 55-58
Violin and its comeback to school: elementary training, professional and amateur performance
The problems and opportunities of mass elementary violin training in case of facultative art school education. The methods and technique of violin playing skill are stated as a step-by-step instruction. The author makes the case of the expediency of violin training in the mass facultative musical education due to adaptive educational material. The arrangement of musical sounds on the violin neck and strings for playing in the first position are stated in details. The author states the arrangement of all scales in the first position and the algorithm of sounds arrangement on the violin neck and strings within four positions.
Key words: violinist’s education, musical scale professional and amateur performance.
A. P. MansurovaProblems of national history
pp. 59-62
To the question about early-medieval ethnic-history situation in north-west Caucasus: by the archeology’s point of view
Information of writing sources, as a rule, is accompanied, corrected, sometimes disproved by. By the ground of archeology facts conditions of ethnic and cultural integration of adygs in Early Middle Ages are process is studied.
Key words: archeology, Zichs, Kassogs, Adygs, ethnic history, Trans-Kuban region, Black-Sea coast.
A.V. Siverpp. 62-65
History of entrepreneurship in the Kuban (1861–1914): source study aspect
The author examines the source base study «History of Entrepreneurship in the Kuban region» (1861–1914), describing the main types of written historical sources.
Key words: historical source, mercantile and industrial law, report, protocol, periodical.
Ye. M. Bagaevapp. 65-67
V. V. Sokolov’ contribution in the study of Taman archaeological monuments
Article discusses graduate Stavropol Cossack cadet school V. V. Sokolov’ contribution, Taman regiment officer in the study of Taman monuments.
Keywords: V. V. Sokolov’ activity, archeological sites, ancient settlements and burial grounds.
Z. D. Murtuzovapp. 67-69
The Cossack «migr» and the church
Article analyzes the role of the church in the life of the Cossack emigrants in 1920–1945. The main aspects of the relationship between the church and the Cossacks abroad are being actualized.
Key words: Russian Orthodox Church, Cossacks, emigration, Cossack «migr».
O. V. Ratushnyakpp. 69-72
Some problems of sources in the research of Cossack population daily life of the south of Russia in the second half of the XIX-th – beginning of the XX-th centuries
Different groups of the historical sources are considered in the article, allowing to let on daily life of cossacks.
Key words: daily life, sources, memoirs, periodicals, reference documentation.
N. B. Akoevapp. 72-79
The cities of Kuban and Black sea coast in processes of interethnic communication at the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX century
In article the role of the cities of Kuban and Black Sea Coast of the end of XIX – the beginning of the XX century,in formation of constructive models of international cooperation is investigated. The interrelation of processes of an urbanization of the region and the phenomena of ethnic identity and integration reveals.
Key words: urbanization, ethnic identity, acculturation, religious pluralism, ethnoprofessional structure.
S. N. Ktitorovpp. 79-81
Fate of the monument in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army in the Besskorbnaya village
Article describes the construction, destruction and restoration of the monument in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Kuban Cossack army in the village Besskorbnaya.
Keywords: Cossacks, monumental art, Khoper regiment, anniversary monument.
Ye. A. Ivanova, V. A. Masalovpp. 81-85
Historical periodization and classification monuments of the republic of Аdygea
This article examines the issues of periodization and classification of historical monuments.
Key words: classification of monuments, historical monuments, memorial.
M. A. Malishpp. 85-88
Historical-patriotic education of Russian youth by museum means
Article considers the peculiarities of the historical-patriotic education of Russian youth in the Krasnodar region.
Key words: museum, exhibition, lecture, tour, education, monument.
U. B. Kislenko, B. A. TrekhbratovPhilology. Document science
pp. 89-91
V. Nabokov and M. Yе. Saltykov-Shchedrin’s spiritual isolation and grotesque of consciousness: comparative and discursive parameters
Paper shows the historical and genetic link of techniques which depict characters with altered state of consciousness in the works of the authors.
Key words: grotesque, allegory, discourse, intertextual links, allusion reminiscence, narrative techniques.
L. N. Ryaguzovapp. 91-94
Problems of translation and syntactical peculiarities of advertising texts
Authors give a characterization of the advertising texts and highlight the difficulties associated with their transfer.
Key words: advertising text, its syntactic features, problems of translation.
H. A. Dgarimova, N. I. Snezhkopp. 94-97
Peculiarities of expressing the modality in German newspaper interview
This article discusses the syntactic, lexical and STI-capitalist features of the German press, in particular, such as its genre, as a newspaper interview, and how the expression of modality.
Keywords: modality, lexical and stylistic peculiarities of journalism, German newspaper interview.
E. V. Sapiga, M. V. Repina.pp. 97-101
Integration peculiarities of legal terms in the Russian language
At the present point of time the terminology of the legal language seems to be the separate layer of the terminological lexis in Russian whereas the existence of this up-to-date integrative science effectively reflects the historical currents of unity and synthesis.
Key words: integration and differentiation of scientific knowledge, term, legal term system, international word.
L. P. Lobkovskaya, E. N. Luchinskayapp. 102-104
Implikaturs in the radiotext advertising
Subject of the article is a special function оf the prosodies in radiotext advertising , which is connected with process of the semantization. In the course of perceptions of the message phonetic side of the text can send the listener additional latent advertising information.
Key words: text, advertising, latent information, prosodies.
E. G. Somovapp. 104-106
Text as a multidimensional phenomenon of modernity
Artical examines a significant modifications to the approaches of modernity analysis of the text in it’s essence interpretation, property and place in the language system. An important term of successful comprehension of the phenomenon of multidemensionality of the text from the position of science strategies is the unification of the efforts of different science assignments: textual criticism and semiotics, rhetoric and pragmatics, hermeneutics and stylistics, culture and philosophy e.t.c.
Key words: theory of the text, psycholinguistics, semiotics, poetics, rhetoric, hermeneutics, cognitive science, pragmatics.
G. A. AbramovаEthnography. Folklore studies
pp. 107-113
Popular ideas of an illness in the Russian and Nogay proverbs of the XVII–XVIII centuries as reflaction of specificity of an ethnic world picture
There is given comparative analysis of Russian and Nogay paremies expressing the valuation aspects of the concept «illness». There are considered the similarities and differences in the interpretations of the given concept in the Russian and Nogay paremic and ethnic world pictures.
Key words: perception of an illness, paremy, Russian and Nogay proverbs, ethnic world picture.
A. S. Malakhova, S. N. Malakhovpp. 113-116
«To my feet tied churbak and hold, don’t let go»: slavic «block» in the ritual culture Ukrainian villages of Volga-don country
In the article the description fixed Ukrainians of the Volga and Don rivers ancient Slavic pancake ceremony – «pad thrust» («block knitting»).
Key words: Volgo-Donskoe interfluve, Ukrainians, carnival, «pad» («pad thrust», «block knitting»).
S. Y. Palgovpp. 116-118
Semantics rite «transition» in the Abkhazian wedding
Article deals with the semantics of the wedding ceremony Abkhazians. The significance of marriage prohibitions and dramaturgical role of major ritual: to wedding, and after wedding. Describes the transition from one state to another and the formation of a new image of the characters.
Key words: Abkhaz culture, ceremonies, wedding ceremony, wedding songs.
E. Z. GunbaTribune of the young scientist
pp. 119-121
Scientific bases of formation of legal culture of young people in the library and information field
In the article raises the question of studying and revealing the specifics of formation of legal culture of young people in the institutions of modern society, including the library of the Institute, defined the content and limits of this notion. The author analyzes term system of legal culture identity in modern science, approaches to the study of the domestic library science.
Key words: personality legal culture, legal socialization, legal education, information and library space.
D. A. Bashirovpp. 121-123
Social mobility and culture youth postreorganization Russia
Article analyzes the phenomenon of youth subculture of post-perestroika Russia. The author reveals the peculiarities of the Russian youth in the identity crisis of socio-cultural identity of the post-Soviet society.
Key words: subculture, identity crisis, youth, social and cultural transformation.
N. N. Serovapp. 124-126
Nominative function of Russian classical literature’s plots in the art system of the novel «underground, or hero of our time» by V. Makaninа
This article is devoted to the mechanism of a semiotization of texts of the Russian classical literature in the post-modernist discourse.
Key words: sign, myth, plot, post-modernist discourse.
K. A. Semushinapp. 126-128
Promotion of libraries and library services in social media: don state public library experience
Social media are considered as a new communication environment for libraries in this article. Don State Public library’s working experience in social network is presented here.
Key words: Don State Public library, social media, social networks, library blogs.
S. V. GavrilovaCultural life of the region
pp. 129-133
About beauty and "the interesting moment" in works of the artist M. S. Bostanov
Z. K. KoychuyevaTo remember...
pp. 134-134
N. N. Kirichenko, M. V. Nagli
Information about authors
pp. 135-137
Information about authors
pp. 138-138