Cultural Studies of Russian South № 4 (75), 2019

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pp. 5-6

From the editor

S.S. Zengin


pp. 7-10

The problem of the integrity of the modern theater school

The article deals with the concept of theatre school, from the cultural point of view analyzes its state and the problem of integrity in the context of modernity.

Keywords: theatre school, Russian theatre, traditions, values, integrity.

M.K. Naydenko, A.S. Gorgul, S.V. Mikheeva

Theory and history of art

pp. 11-14

Voice-over text in non-fiction cinema: attempt of rehabilitation

Over the course of 60 years, a lot of clichés and prejudices have arisen around the directorial technique – the use of the author’s voice-over text in documentary films. The author analyzes the history of development of the voice-over text.

Keywords: documentary cinema, voice-over text, «Free cinema», generation of the angry, "daddy’s movie".

E.S. Trusevich

pp. 14-17

To the question of the main frontiers of the theater

The separation of modern theater from similar socio-cultural phenomena in terms of game content is a problem due to their complex interrelation. The concepts of theater are changeable both in historical retrospect and in the context of the diversity of artistic concepts of modern theatrical life. Therefore, to disclose the concept of “theater” it is advisable to designate the concept of the theater frontier. 

Keywords: theater, game, theatricalization, sociocultural phenomenon, sociocultural frontier, interdisciplinary discourse, theatrical life.

M.S. Zhurkov

pp. 18-22

Philosophy of color in musical work of B. Asafiev

The article deals with the phenomenon of synesthesia, which has been in the focus of researchers for decades. The commonality of the color scale and musical sound height is traced. Emphasis is placed on the harmonious combination of color-tone associations in the composer’s work. The analysis of a number of vocal works of B. Asafiev is carried out. His «color interpretation» of tonalities is revealed. 

Keywords: audiovisual synthesis, «color tone» in music, color-emotional associations, synesthetic representations.

S.A. An, M.G. Kosterina, O.S. Mikhaylova

pp. 22-28

Features of A.P. Bogolyubov’s views on the problems of formation and development of the national art school

The author explores the views of A.P. Bogolyubov on the ideological and aesthetic attitudes of the Russian fine art of his time, reflected in the creative activities of the Partnership of traveling art exhibitions; analyzes the artist’s attitude to the questions of the formation of the Russian national school, its features and tasks. The hypothesis about heterogeneity of composition of artists of society, about differences in beliefs and views on the European and domestic fine art of its separate representatives, on the example of A.P. Bogolyubov, is proved.

Keywords: Partnership of traveling art exhibitions, landscape, Bogolyubov, Kramskoy, Stasov.

I.А. Ilyina

pp. 29-32

Academic drawing and creativity. Ways to develop correlation and integration

The article deals with the use of various techniques that contribute to the development of non-standard, creative thinking in the process of creative training of students. The techniques of working with graphic materials in drawing classes are described and analyzed. The necessity of introducing such techniques into the educational process, their tasks and goals, is formulated. Methodical and technological conclusions are made.

Keywords: drawing, graphics, spot, line, technique, creativity.

V.S. Akopyan, A.E. Valueva, M.B. Pokhlebaeva

pp. 32-37

The concept of integral knowledge in the discourse of modern art studies

The retrospective analysis of the art at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries makes it possible to assess it as a crisis phenomenon. However, the rehabilitation of the traditions of artistic classics has a positive side. The tendency of modern authors to the use of techniques and elements of various artistic trends and styles, to rapprochement and synthesis with other forms of worldview can be considered in the context of the doctrine of integral knowledge. Its authors were the domestic thinkers of the XIX century, who dreamed of overcoming the fragmentation of rationalism and the formation of integral knowledge on the basis of the synthesis of art, philosophy, religion and science.

Keywords: art, retrospectivity, integral knowledge, transformation, generalization, synthesis.

G.V. Rybintseva

pp. 37-40

Culturological aspect of the interpretative problem of music art

The uniqueness of the phenomenon of art in the history of human civilization is provided by its ability to create and preserve spiritual values as the highest meanings of existence. They are concentrated in specific works (genre-style compositions) and are revealed in artistic images. The possibility of their «rediscovery» in certain socio-cultural circumstances actualizes the problem of interpretation as a procedure of meaning generation (analysis, understanding and appropriation of meaning). This feature of art is most fully manifested in music, which has a specific representativeness. Combining traditional musicological analysis with cultural approach allows us to consider musical art as a specific episteme of cultural space.

Keywords: music, interpretation, culturology, composer, postmodernism.

N.S. Bezkorovaynaya

pp. 40-46

In the name of the values of classical art (on the disputes of Giovanni Battista Martini)

The relevance of the problem of modern scientific discussions is to continue the existing tradition of the past. At all times, the experience of previous generations and the potential of creative heritage were the basis for the training of musicians. Often, scientists and philosophers searched for the truth by comparing different opinions and defending their point of view, not only verbally, but also written, for example, in apologies - examples of scientific knowledge. As an example, we cite the skillful debates of G.B. Martini, which demonstrate the purpose of this article – the analysis of disputes between Martini and his opponents, as a way of highlighting the importance of learning from ancient sources.

Keywords: disputes, classical art, Giovanni Battista Martini, «Judgments of Apollo».

A.C. Kozubova

pp. 46-49

Peculiarities of the choral activity formation in music classes of the Saratov branch of the IRMS

Based on rare documents, the article reconstructs the choral activity of the music classes of the Saratov branch of the IRMS. It was established that the main problem in the formation of fullfledged educational choirs was the insufficient staffing of choristers, the reason for which can be called a large number of choir groups at the city Societies and educational institutions, as well as the low popularity of this type of training among the local music lovers.

Keywords: Saratov branch of IRMS, curriculum, concert activities, church and secular singing, choir activities.

A.E. Rudyakova

pp. 49-52

Musical life of pre-revolutionary Tsaritsyn: to the question of the origins of philharmonic traditions

The article for the first time covers the little-studied question of the musical life of the prerevolutionary Tsaritsyn. The author considers the forms of orchestral, chamber, choral concert performance; provides rare data on musical events and artistic personalities. Among the factors contributing to the intensification of the concert business in Tsaritsyn, the role of the Tsaritsyn branch of the Imperial Russian musical society and music classes under it was especially highlighted. The problem in general nature of development of concert life of county Tsaritsyn is noted. 

Keywords: theater «Concordia», A.V. Lapshin, A.A. Serebryakov, concerts – «musical meetings», choral spiritual concerts.

I.A. Smagina

pp. 53-56

Matos Rodriguez’s tango «La Cumparsita» as the object of citation in film music

The article reveals the role of Gerardo Matos Rodriguez’s tango “La Cumparsita” as the object of citation in film music on the example of the analysis of the music of films of domestic and foreign directors. It reveals its relationship with the storyline of films, the importance in the formation of imagery and dramatic basis of films.

Keywords: tango, film text, film music, director, film composer, quote, genre.

M.S. Prachenko

pp. 56-59

About some genre varieties of vocal works of Stanislav Monyushko

The article is devoted to the vocal ballads and vocal elegies of Stanislav Monyushko, insufficiently studied in Russian musicology. The problem of the genre canon and its interpretation by the composer are discussed. As a material for comparative analysis, vocal ballads and elegies of Russian authors – contemporaries of Monyushko are involved. It is concluded that the composer follows the main parameters of the genre model.

Keywords: Stanislav Monyushko, vocal music, genre, ballad, elegy.

M.G. Dolgushina

pp. 60-65

Philip Glass. Symphony № 4 «Heroes». David Bowie. «Heroes». Similarities and differences of concepts

The article is devoted to the analysis of differences and correspondences of the concepts of two works of the same name by prominent artists of the second half of the 20th century. The opuses are based on common material – this is the Fourth Symphony by Philip Glass and the rock album by David Bowie. The specificity of the development of the musical plot of both works is noted, based on a rethinking of the idea, the use of developmental techniques, the difference and similarity of the musical language.

Keywords: Philip Glass, David Bowie, Heroes, rock album, symphony, drawing, intonation, musical plot.

A.A. Vinichenko

pp. 66-69

Development of the traditions of literary-musical synthesis of T. Mann in the novel of E. Jelinek «The pianist»

The article, on the example of Elfriede Jelinek’s novel, reveals the concept of a cultural and artistic paradigm of the arts synthesis. The principles of the influence of the author’s concept of literary and musical synthesis of T. Mann on the prose of E. Jelinek through the analysis of the ideological, thematic and artistic originality of the novel, individual techniques of musicalization of the literary text are also presented. The similarity and difference of the author ’s manner of two outstanding writers of the XX century are analyzed.

Keywords: cultural and artistic paradigm of the arts synthesis, literary-musical synthesis, Germanspeaking literature, literature of the XX century, E. Jelinek.

O.V. Reznik, O.B. Elkan

Theory and history of culture

pp. 70-72

Features of existential thinking by L. Shestov

The article considers the conceptual features of L. Shestov’s philosophical discourse in their contrast to modern views of postmodernism. The tradition of domestic philosophy is positioned, first of all, in terms of moral values.

Keywords: existentialism, postmodernism, norm, rule, good, evil, freedom.

E.A. Naydenko

pp. 73-76

Culture and art in the era of technical reproducibility

Modern problems of cultural science are associated with the invention of new technical means of duplicating works of art, the emergence of new types of art, and the expansion of the possibility of the artistic development of life processes, which in aggregate affects aesthetic thinking. The process of «modernization», imposed on Russia by the Western avant-garde, turned into the demodernization of many forms of modern culture. We live in an era of captured thought and art as an era reflected in images. In the field of art, new fault lines are outlined, which is reflected in the negatively nihilistic, pseudo-democratic and pseudo-humanistic tendencies of popular culture.

Keywords: technical reproducibility, popular culture, shadow art, entertainment, sight, replication, false art.

A.G. Erzaulova

pp. 76-79

Communication barriers in the process of realization of remote educational programs in the conditions of digitalization of the educational process

The article deals with the problem of manifestation of communication barriers in the educational process in the framework of digitalization of distance education in the field of additional professional education. The analysis of the experience of various aspects of pedagogical communication in the implementation of the federal project «Creative people» in the Krasnodar state institute of culture revealed the limits of restrictive filters, especially in lecture communication with students. This refers to the heterogeneity of the target audience of students – students of the educational program «Project management in the socio-cultural sphere» have different levels of professional training and different managerial experience, occupying different social and role positions. In addition, the role of emotional contact with the audience decreases in distance learning. These problems need to be studied and understood in order to overcome them.

Keywords: digitalization of education, distance learning, pedagogical communications, communication barriers, target audiences.

S.A. Morozov

pp. 79-83

Information society: language of dialogue

The main forms of language representation in the space of dialogical interaction between representatives of the post-industrial information society are considered. The study takes into account not only verbal methods of language translation, but also nonverbal, which occupies a predominant position in the modern information socio-cultural and anthropological paradigm.

Keywords: dialogue, «hot» cultures, communication, monologue, object, ritual, subject, text, «cold» cultures, language.

E.V. Prasol, V.P. Gritsenko

pp. 83-87

Anthropological background of modern urban mythology

The article is devoted to the study of the mythology of the modern city. Different concepts and methodological approaches in the study of mythogenesis are analyzed. The article considers several approaches to the study of the mythology of the modern city, namely: the opinions of such researchers as D.N. Zamyatin, S.V. Ryazanova, V.A. Davydov and a number of other modern Russian researchers. It is suggested that the myth prevailing in modern conditions is the main factor influencing the culture of the modern city.

Keywords: myth, city, anthropology, urban culture, features of urban culture.

E.A. Borodina

pp. 87-90

To the question on the nature of the old believers’ self-burnings in the XVII-XIX centuries

The purpose of the article is to analyze generally accepted scientific opinions about the nature of the old believers’ self-burnings. Based on the literature of both old believers’ and missionary authorship, it is shown that the attitude to self-burnings served as the basis for the fragmentation of the old believers into several movements and communities. The conclusion is drawn about the degeneration of protest into other forms of opposition to the state and the dominant church.

Keywords: old believers, old Orthodoxy, self-burnings, pro-clergy, contra-clergy, Apocalypse, eschatological doctrine.

N.S. Kanatyeva

Culture and society

pp. 91-94

Spirit of fashion by the feel of cognizer

The article presents the problem of fashion and its features in the reflection of sensory knowledge of the world and the formation of a new attitude. An attempt was made to investigate the reasons for the formation of the new human Spirit in the light of the transition to a new spiritual ascent of man and the direct reflection of these processes in a modern suit. The transition from the sensual world of fashion to the world of logic creates the conditions for inertial projection of the state of public consciousness. Modern fashion through semantic codes has the ability to hold old meanings and convey new ones that destroy the nature of man.

Keywords: Spirit, Absolute, Monad, Anthropic principle of the Universe, man’s sensual world, fashion, costume form, free Soul, Will of the Creator.

G.A. Sergunova

pp. 94-98

Problems of ethnocultural identity in modern society

The article is devoted to the features of ethnocultural identity in modern conditions. The genesis and development of the information-network society has led to changes in the hierarchical system of identities. If ethnocultural identity prevailed in the 20th century, then in the 21st century, cultural identity came first. Sociocultural processes in the field of identity have led to the fact that in Russia, historically developed as a multicultural community of peoples, cultural identity based on the Russian culture and the Russian language as the language of interethnic communication has become a priority, and ethnocultural identity has become a subidentity. Not the territorial space, but the area of distribution of the Russian culture became the localization of dominant identity.

Keywords: globalization, information society, migration processes, ethnocultural identity, cultural identity, multicultural society.

R.S. Lavo

pp. 99-104

The idea of autonomy of the information-communicative culture subsystem: social-cultural analysis

The article presents the analysis of theoretical ideas and concepts about the socio-cultural system in the framework of cultural dynamics. The analysis carried out by the authors was aimed at clarifying the role of information in the structure of culture, as well as determining the laws of functioning of its institutions and elements. Considering culture as a systemic phenomenon with a multilevel and complex structure, the authors seek to substantiate the information-communicative subsystem as its integral part by means of social and philosophical analysis. In this connection, they characterize and compare various knowledge about the cultural system, its models, functions, history of its study and its evolution, as well as about the autonomy of its subsystems. Particular attention is paid to the description of the evolution of the methodology of knowledge of the information society as a specific form of social organization, in order to confirm the autonomy of the information communicative subsystem of the culture system, which is a complex two-level system based on the relationship of information and communication subsystems.

Keywords: information, information society, social and cultural system, information and communication subsystem, culture

O.M. Urzhumova, A.V. Shtratnikova

Information systems and processes

pp. 105-108

Hyperlink as a modern tool for organizing the text of an electronic message

The analysis of hyperlinks is carried out, their varieties, functions, place of hyperlinks in the organization of the text of an electronic message are considered.

Keywords: hyperlink, types of hyperlinks, hypertext, electronic message, electronic message organization tool.

Hyperlink as a modern tool for organizing the text of an electronic message

Tribune of the young scientist

pp. 109-111

New soviet wedding ceremony in Kuban (1960-1980s)

In the article on the basis of documentary materials, periodicals the questions of formation of the Soviet wedding ceremony in Kuban are considered. The structure of the ceremony of solemn registration of marriage is analyzed, its genetic relationship with the traditional Orthodox wedding ceremony is traced. The paper presents statistical data on the spread of the new rite in the region in the period under review. 

Keywords: Kuban, new Soviet/socialist rituals, traditional culture, solemn registration of marriage.

E.Zh. Dushkhunyan

pp. 115-118

Revival of instrumental genre models of the baroque epoch in the works of Alfred Schnittke

This article discusses the concerto grosso genre in the works of Alfred Schnittke from the point of view of combining, interacting with the characteristic features of the Baroque epoch genre and enriching it due to modern trends in musical art of the 20th century. 

Keywords: genre, model, concert, concerto grosso, composer, epoch, creativity, trend.

K.N. Ekimova

Cultural life of the regions

pp. 119-128

Сalendar ritual songs of the village Azovskaya of the Severskiy district of the Krasnodar region: features of functioning and musical-poetic organization (based on the results of the sixth folklore-ethnographic expedition of the KSIC)

The article is devoted to the forms of the calendar ritual songs of the village Azovskaya of the Severskiy district of the Krasnodar region, recorded during the Sixth folklore-ethnographic expedition of the Krasnodar state institute of culture. The functioning and features of the musical and poetic organization of the ritual folklore samples are explored.

Keywords: musical and ethnographic tradition, folklore, folklore group, rite, winter Christmas time, plot, tune.

S.A. Zhiganova, Ya.N. Lugovskaya

pp. 129-137

Folk material culture in the collections of museums of the Severskiy district of the Krasnodar region: results of the sixth folklore and ethnographic expedition «Preservation of folk culture of Kuban» of the KSIC

The article describes the results of a study of the material culture of the Severskiy district. The traditional types of folk arts and crafts are revealed, samples of which are presented in the district museum collections. An analysis of the characteristics of traditional material culture can contribute to its practical development by modern youth.

Keywords: Severskiy district, folk embroidery, pottery, research work, folklore and ethnographic expedition, folk arts and crafts of Kuban.

V.A. Berdyugina, V.A. Vaskun

pp. 137-140

Practical significance of the creative heritage of Heinrich Panofka «The art of singing» in the modern vocal school

The author of the article provides a detailed analysis of the teaching methods and practical recommendations of the work of Heinrich Panofka «L’arte del canto. Vademecum del contante. Teoria e pratica per tutte le vori» from the point of view of practical significance in the training of vocalists in a modern vocal school. 

Keywords: vocal pedagogy, methodical recommendations, scales, exercises, vocal technique.

N.V. Kret


pp. 141-147

Spiritual bases of musical management

The problems associated with musical management, a multifunctional phenomenon of spiritual and material culture are considered. Its spiritual bases connected with the Russian mentality, valuable features of a musical material, social and cultural communications on which the maintenance of creative actions, projects is under construction are proved. The article deals with the inflation of values, which are reflected in spiritual culture, musical art, as well as in the organization and management of various creative activities and projects.

Keywords: spirituality, management, music, art, mentality, values, creativity, Church singing art.

L.S. Zorilovа, D.G. Rodionova