Cultural Studies of Russian South № 4 (71), 2018

pp. 1-2


pp. 3-4


pp. 5-6

From the editor

S.S. Zengin

Theory and history of culture

pp. 7-10

The concept of the russian nation: the experience of cultural understanding of the legislative and regulatory practices

The article presents a cultural analysis of the constructivist concept of the Russian nation, the legislative and regulatory attempts to introduce which acquire an important social and cultural significance. The authors draws attention to the need to improve the legal culture in connection with the need to master the concept and overcome the lacunae of identity.

Keywords: national and cultural identity, concept of the Russian nation, civil nation.

V.P. Gritsenko, T.Yu. Danilchenko, A.А. Litvinov

pp. 10-13

F. Fukuyama: cultural tradition in the economic activity

The article is devoted to the analysis of the views of the American sociologist F. Fukuyama concerning the problem of the cultural tradition influence on the economic sphere.

Keywords: cultural tradition, morality, corporate solidarity, trust, economic activity.

E.A. Naydenko, T.V. Kurakova

pp. 17-21

The role of state and national patriotism in the preservation of culture and russian civilization

In the submitted article the philosophy and historical, also culturology analysis of priority forms of manifestation of patriotism in Russia is carried out and the role of patriotic memory in processes of preservation of culture and a civilization is designated.

Keywords: state, national and political patriotism, Soviet and Russian patriotism, patriotic memory, enlightenment, Russian civilization.

T.V. Bespalova

pp. 22-27

Identity in the context of the philosophical discourse

The article analyzes the discourse of the topic of identity in the philosophical and anthropological disciplinary paradigm. Within the framework of the philosophical and anthropological approach four lines of research on the topic of identity have been identified. The discourse of the late XIX – early XX century outlined two alternative lines: the first gave priority to individuality and the second – to sociality. From the middle of the XX century in the philosophical discourse of the topic of identity two new trends emerged: 1) attempts to integrate sociality and individuality of identity; 2) postmodernist deconstruction of personality and identity.

Keywords: personality, identity, identification, social identity, individual identity, self-consciousness.

E.S. Maslova

pp. 27-31

The image of King Arthur in medieval chronicles: historical and cultural analysis

From the early Middle Ages the image of King Arthur in the chronicle sources determined by the current political, ideological and above all cultural situation. In this regard, from the first actual mention in the work of Nennia (IX century) to the artistically rethought full biography in the «History of the Britons» of Galfrid of Monmouth the image of Arthur has undergone significant changes: from a military leader he turned into the king of all Britain and the Emperor of the West.

Keywords: Middle Ages, king Arthur, Chronicles, medieval culture, ideology of the Plantagenets.

V.Yu. Novikova

Culture and society

pp. 32-35

Art objects in the communicative space of mass events

In the conditions of information satiation of society in the conduct of mass events require non-trivial tools of interaction with the target public. A new round of development in event communication brings the practice of installation of art objects. The relevance of event art communications, understood as the presentation of «message» events through unique works of art. The authors made an attempt to identify the potential of the art object as a communication tool and its features in the modern event industry.

Keywords: art objects, mass events, event communications, art communications.

I.B. Shuvanov, M.S. Kruglova, V.P. Shuvanova

pp. 35-40

Post-anthropocene problem in modern western philosophy and actual art (on the example of the 7th moscow biennale of the modern art)

The article is devoted to the emergence of new terminology in the natural and humanitarian knowledge of today. On the background of the emergence of a new concept of anthropocene in geology, i.e. the epoch with an increasing level of human activity, in philosophy and culturology there are modifications of this term – the plantaciocene, the capitalocene, and the post-anthropocene. There is an active discussion about the latter in modern philosophical knowledge, but all researchers recognize the destruction of the humanitarian model of culture and its transformation into a technological, digital capitalized world, where a person plays the role of either a resource (biological, genetic, etc.) or a consumer (mainly virtual technologies). As a reflection of these trends, the article considers the concept and exhibits of the 7th Moscow Biennale of contemporary art.

Keywords: anthropocene, post-anthropocene, crisis of humanism, biotechnologies, Moscow Biennale of modern art.

R.A. Suslova

Culture and education

pp. 41-45

Mass culture and music professional education: the path of integration

This article is devoted to issues of modern professional education in the field of musicology and music applied arts. Attention is paid to the profiles related to music and applied art and modern multimedia and creative technologies in education, at the same time maintaining the emphasis on the special importance of basic, general professional music education, namely, the music-theoretical disciplines. The connection with creative associations, such as production centers, professional theaters and concert venues, children’s general education and music schools, makes it possible to project the work of a student into further professional activities in the field of musical art.

Keywords: musicology and music and applied art, children’s musical theater, musical education in modern Russia

E.L. Rybakova

pp. 45-49

The problem of continuity of secondary and higher professional education in the training of library specialists

The article is devoted to the actual problem of ensuring the continuity of professional education in the training of library specialists. Considering secondary and higher education, the author emphasizes the importance of the third generation of educational standards implemented by the University, and also draws attention to the importance of obtaining specialization or profile of training students.

Keywords: continuity, secondary professional education, higher education, library education, library specialists. 

N.G. Magomedova

Theory and history of art

pp. 50-57

Figurative and musical and stylistic language of painting works by n.M. Gushchin (1950th – beginning of the 1960th)

In the article first systematically examines the contribution of artist-repatriater N.M. Gushchin, the representative of the informal art of the first half – the middle of the XX century, to the development of Saratov fine art, first previously insufficiently studied. The bright and complex Saratov cycle (compositions, landscapes, self-portraits) of the artist’s paintings (1950-1960) is analyzed, which allowed to reveal the origins and features of their artistic language, primarily tending to romanticism and symbolism, the degree of synthesis of paintings with musical preferences, reflected in the theme, and the creative beliefs of the master.

Keywords: Gushchin, romanticism, symbolism, symphony, ballade, nocturne, music.

E.A. Dorogina, N.I. Devyataykina, M.E. Zolnikov

pp. 58-60

Musical folklore in the scientific heritage of Z.M. Naloev

In the article characteristic of creative scientific activity of Z.M. Naloev, one of representatives of the Adyghe folklore studies, who added bright pages in studying of various parties of traditional culture of Adyghe from field forwarding work before scientific researches of not studied layers of folk art, to documenting and publications of texts is given. The special value of its researches consists in multidimensional disclosure of specifics of institute of national thinkers carriers of folklore heritage of Adyghe, genre stratification.

Keywords: Z.M. Naloev, folklorist scholar, oral and poetic folklore, stratification, genre system.

B.G. Ashkhotov

pp. 61-63

Contribution by l.V. Varavina to the popularization of the music of rostov composers

The article highlights the activity of the Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, head of the cathedra of bayan and accordion of the Rostov state conservatory n.a. S.V. Rakhmaninov, professor Lyudmila Vasilyevna Varavina. An analysis of the extensive teaching, scientific and research, organizational and methodological activities in aspect of long-term cooperation with the Rostov regional organization of the Union of Composers of Russia made it possible to determine the weight of the contribution of L.V. Varavina to the popularization of accordion works of Rostov composers. In earlier published articles devoted to L.V. Varavina [1; 2], this direction of her activity hasn’t been lit. At the same time the importance and scope of the work which is carried out by her in the field deserves a separate research.

Keywords: Rostov conservatory, Lyudmila Varavina, bayan performance on the Don, creation of Rostov composers.

L.A. Buryakova

pp. 64-70

The embodiment of the variety-jazzy stylistics on accordion and bayane: to the question about transformation methods

The article is devoted to the actual for musicology problem of adaptation of accordion and bayan to the genre-style conditions of jazz. The author considers it in the context of the arrangement as a method of transformation and at the same time an element of the performing culture. The complex of specific methods of presenting the harmonic vertical, sound extraction and articulation, reflecting the pop-jazz style on these instruments is considered in detail. Affected timbre transformation technologies, enriching the color palette of expressive means. Considerable attention is paid to the interpretation of some style models of jazz.

Keywords: accordion, bayan, jazz, arrangement, style adaptation, timbre transformation.

A.V. Pchelintsev

pp. 71-74

Regional specifics of traditional musical culture of the peschanokopsky district of the rostov region

The history and composition of the traditional musical culture of the Peschanokopsky district of the Rostov region has not received a systematic description yet. The article is based on an analysis of folklore and ethnographic materials, collected by the author in the five oldest villages of the district and is dedicated to identifying the regional specificity of the studied folk music tradition, as well as the characteristics of the functioning of musical genres.

Keywords: settlement, Old Believers, traditional folk culture, musical folklore, functioning of musical genres, carols, generous songs, lyrical songs. 

S.A. Zhiganova, A.S. Semenova

pp. 74-77

Choral society of kuban in the epoch documents (1958-1987)

This article is the first to review and analyze documents stored in the funds of the State archive of the Krasnodar region, revealing the formation and development of a choral society in the history of musical culture of the Kuban.

Keywords: Choral society, Krasnodar region, State archive, development and formation, choral art.

A.A. Dzhenzherya, E.V. Lashcheva

pp. 78-81

Folk-musical culture of the novoalexandrovsky district of the stavropol region: genre composition, musical stylistics

The article studies the genre and stylistic peculiarities of folk songs, recorded by members of the modern folk groups in villages Grigoropolisskaya, Rasshevatskaya, Karmalinovskaya of the Novoaleksandrovsky district of the Stavropol region.

Keywords: traditional musical culture, Kuban Cossacks, linear Cossack villages, military folklore, ritual, long, dance songs, musical-rhythmic, high sound organization. 

S.A. Zhiganova, N.A. Kuznetsova

pp. 81-88

«Again sounded works of free soviet art»: theater in the cultural life of the krasnodar region in the 1943-1945 years

The article discusses the features of the cultural life of the Krasnodar region after its liberation from the fascist occupation. The focus of the authors on the activities of the Krasnodar regional drama theatre n.a. M. Gorky. Historical and cultural reconstructions of some performances of the theatre of 1943-1945 were made, its repertoire was restored. Most sources are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

Keywords: cultural life, theater art, Krasnodar region, The Great Patriotic War, Krasnodar regional drama theater n.a. M. Gorky, historical and cultural reconstruction.

T.V. Kovalenko, Yu.E. Arkhangelskiy, M.K. Naydenko

pp. 89-92

Music and documentary aesthetics

The article substantiates a number of aspects, related to the influence of music and sound in general on the aesthetics of documentary films. The dramatic, form-building and stylistic functions of music in a documentary are determined.

Keywords: documentary aesthetics, author’s intention, means of musical expressiveness, analysis, audiovisual synchronicity, genre, style. 

E.A. Devlikamova

pp. 92-96

Post-opera and the problems of its reflection in modern musical science

The article examines the process of transformation of Opera genre under the influences of art and mass culture and actively evolving technologies, it discusses the questions of relevance of existing terminology in reference to experimental Opera performances and modification of analytical methodology.

Keywords: opera, media technologies in art, experimental music theatre, methodology of analysis of Opera performance.

A.V. Shornikova

pp. 96-100

Influence of visually pervable indicators of urban environment on the physical and emotional health of citizens (on the example of the south megapolis)

The article deals with the impact of visually perceived indicators of the urban environment on the quality of life. Disadvantages of urban space improvement and problems of urban greening worsen the quality of life and the visual environment of the modern city. Elimination of these shortcomings will lead to mutual influence and improve not only the visual picture of the city, but also its safety and comfort for residents.

Keywords: urban environment, landscaping, gardening, city, design.

A.I. Chalaya, N.V. Anisimov

pp. 101-104

Dance improvisation as a phenomenon of dance culture: the genesis and modernity

The problematics of this article is determined by the modern realities of choreographic art, namely the discrepancies in the concept of improvisation in its cultural understanding. Turning to the theory and history of culture of choreography, the authors consider improvisation as a universal method of determining the novelty of the choreographic text.

Keywords: dance, movement, improvisation, performer.

V.N. Karpenko, I.A. Karpenko

Library science and documentary information

pp. 105-107

Extension of library space in the context of the «information society» program

The article presents the rationale for expanding the library space with the use of modern information and technological capabilities and on the basis of the provisions of the state program «Information Society» (2011-2020). The following tasks were set: to study the current format of interaction between libraries and readers; to formulate proposals on the validity of the implementation of the network-centric format for building library services. The work declared the results of the tasks, formulated recommendations for the implementation of services that expand the library space.

Keywords: service, library, library space, library card, network-centrism.

V.A. Kiriy, K.V. Bakaeva

The cultural life of the regions

pp. 108-113

Pre-revolutionary historiography of biography of the historian, the ethnographer and the general of the kuban cossack army i.D. Popko

The author characterizes the creative heritage and biography of The famous historian, author of the first book about the Black sea Cossacks, General of the Kuban Cossack army of I.D. Popko from the historiographical point of view.

Keywords: I.D. Popko, Cossack’s history, pre-Soviet historiography, science, ethnography, first book, creative heritage, Black sea coast, plastuns.

B.A. Trehkbratov

pp. 113-117

Contacts of bospora’s kingdom with south-pontiс states of III-II centuries bc in archaeological finds

The interaction of the Pontic Kingdom with the Northern Black Sea region is still one of the most pressing issues of antiquity. The work on the basis of archaeological data examines trade and political contacts between the Pontus and the Northern Black Sea region in the III-II centuries BC.

Keywords: numismatics, archeology, monument, coins, Bospor, Crimea, Northern Black Sea region

A.A. Radev, N.E. Berlizov

pp. 117-120

Research of monuments of primitive archeology of adyghes from funds of the national museum of the republic of adygea

The article describes the primitive monuments located on the territory of the modern Republic of Adygea: the settlements of Meshoko, Yasenovaya Polyana, Psekupskiy burial ground № 1, burial № 2, excavation II, which are stored in the funds of the National Museum of the Republic of Adygea.

Keywords: primitive archeology, Adyghes, Maykop culture, stroke-ornamented pearl ceramics, primitive monuments, archaeological complexes. 

G.I. Nikulina, A.Yu. Chirg

pp. 120-123

In the wake of publication of a previously unknown texts by elena roerich

Observing the behavior of the members of one directions of the Roerich’s doctrine (a kind of neo-paganism) has led to the conclusion of the determining influence of personal attitudes of the team members to further develop their creed.

Keywords: manichaeism, Roerich’s sect, sacralization, new paganism, worship, New century, psychology of religion, Agni yoga, Living Ethics, changing the way of religion. 

K.E. Rybak, Yu.S. Izbachkov

pp. 124-125

N.N. Karmalin’s activities for the organization of the Kuban Army museum as research and educational center

The relevance of the study is due to the lack of research on the activities of the ataman of the Kuban Cossack Army and the head of the Kuban region, Nikolai Nikolaevich Karmalin, on the creation of the Kuban Army ethnographic and natural history museum. The article based on archival sources and literature analyzes his participation in the organization of this research and educational center. Proved the need for further study of this problem in cultural studies.

Keywords: history, local history, culturology, N.N. Karmalin, Kuban Regional Statistical Committee, E.D. Felitsyn, Kuban Army museum, Kuban region.

V.I. Lyakh

pp. 127-129

Features of an embodiment of the principles of avant-garde theater in opera art by Meredith Monk

The article discusses some issues of updating the opera genre, clearly manifested in the musical theater of the late of the XX – beginning of the XXI century. Using an example of Meredith Monk’s works, one of the largest contemporary composers in the United States, a representative of postminimalism music, consider the interpretation of academic opera in American culture. The author focuses on the problem of implementing the aesthetic principles of the avant-garde theater of B. Brecht, K. Weil. The original creative concept, embodied in the M. Monk’s operas is considered from the point of view of using of the idea of gestus.

Keywords: modern musical theater, operas by Meredith Monk, avant-garde traditions.

V.Yu. Kiseev


pp. 130-134

Kuban book about Chekhov

E.Yu. Tretyakova