Cultural Studies of Russian South, №2 (49), 2013

pp. 1-2

Title page

pp. 3-4


Theory and history of culture

pp. 5-8

Music and choreographic configurations in the ballet art of the first third of the XX century

Considering the problem of music and choreographic interactions in the ballet art, the author of the article focuses on the search for new configurations of music and choreographic space in the pilot productions of the leading ballet masters of the first third of the XX century. The author made an attempt to differentiate and structure multidimensional relations of music and choreography. 

Key words: music and choreographic configurations, choreographic structures, modern ballet, synthetical character, combination. 

I. N. Il’enko

pp. 9-12

Visuality in the aspect of artistic portraiture (On the material of the painting of Paul Klee «Senecio»)

Making an attempt to consider the relevant for artistic portraiture functions such as informational, evaluating and analytical in the light of the visuality, the author of the article carries out the analysis of one of the pictures painted by P. Klee.

Key words: portrait, visuality, nonverbal communication, gesture, posture, color.

P. V. Nevskaya

pp. 12-15

The symbolic capital: methodology of the analysis

Evolution and current state of the methodology of research of the symbolic capital are considered in the article.

Key words: capital, symbolic capital, social and cultural system.

K. M. Martirosyan

Culture and society. Philosophy. Sociology

pp. 16-19

Azerbaijan-north Caucasian parallels in socio-cultural transformations in the second half of the XIX– early XX century

The socio-political movements in the Caucasus (turkism, jadidism) as a reflection of needs of muslim society are considered in the article.

Key words: turkism, jadidism, muslim society, secular education.

S. I. Aliyeva.

pp. 19-21

Dagestan social policy in the sphere of popular schooling (Beginning of the 20s of the XX century)

The author of the article characterizes the state actions during the first years of the Soviet regime in the sphere of public education.

Key words: public education, labor school, religious school.

F. G. Gadzhieva

pp. 22-25

Person paradoxical: philosophic and psychological analysis

The article is dedicated to the one of the current theoretic-cognitive and methodological aspects of the research and description of man’s nature – anomaly and contradictoriness of the human existence.

Key words: paradox, dialectics, human being, phenomenon, nature, homogeneity/inhomogeneity, magnetism/repulsion, contradiction.

V. P. Kharchenko

Culture and education

pp. 26-29

Musical art: bachelor’s degree and MA course

The author of the article reflects on the peculiarities, problems and prospects of development of the system of two-staged higher musical education in Russia.

Key words:  role of music in general education, training of a professional musician, new author’s systems and methods.

P. A. Chervatyuk

pp. 29-32

The innovative algorithmic system of chords’ composition in music

The main statements of author’s system of chords’ composition in the context of bachelor-level program are represented in the article.

Key words: algorithmic numeral system, chords’ composition, mass music education, training of professional musicians.

A. P. Mansurova

pp. 33-35

Synthesizer and Its role in contemporary musical education

Describing the wide range of use of a synthesizer, the author of the article considers this digital instrument as an important part of the nowadays integrant system of musical education.

Key words: synthesizer, electronic musical creativity, digital instruments.

V. V. Lysenko

pp. 36-37

The role of creative imagination in the development of emotional memory of the future interpreters

The authors of the article characterize the types of imagination, they also consider the influence of emotional factor on students-interpreters’ memory development.

Key words: emotional memory, creative imagination, professional training of students-interpreters. 

R. V. Toropko, Ye. V. Sapiga

pp. 37-39

Ethno-cultural education and the process of professional training of students-musicians

The authors consider the methodological and theoretical aspects of formation of ethnic culture in the process of teaching students-musicians.

Key words: education, ethnic culture, folk music.

N. R. Turavets, K. A. Streltsova

pp. 40-42

The problem of wind instruments training of students in higher educational institutions of culture and arts: cognitive approach

The article is dedicated to the problem of students’ attracting to the wind musical art in higher educational institutions of culture and art.

Key words: methods of wind instruments training, cognitive approach, training motivation.

V. G. Podayurov

Problems of regional history

pp. 43-45

The local theatre in the Cossack village of Krylovskaya: discrete pages of history

The article gives an account of the rich theatrical traditions of Krylovskaya village and its environs, arisen over a century ago.

Key words: culture of the Kuban, amateur theatre of Krylovskaya village, A. Ya. Kukharenko.

V. V. Tior

pp. 46-47

Vasilyi Semenovich Shamrai and Mikhail Vasilyevich Klochkov: milestones of biographies (To the problem of the intelligensia’s way during the crucial moments in Russian history)

The article is dedicated to the destinies and life positions of V. M. Shamrai and V. S. Klochkov – famous Kuban cultural workers at the end of the XIX – first half of the XX century.

Key words: Kuban intelligentsia in the first half of the XX century, V. M. Shamrai, V. S. Klochkov.

G. N. Shevchenko

pp. 48-50

The soviet air force in defense of the Caucasus (1942)

On the basis of the military archive materials the author of the article illustrates Air Force operations during the difficult period of war – at the time of defense of the Caucasus.

Key words: the Great Patriotic war, defense of the Caucasus, operations, air fight, Air Force regiment.

V. V. Kushnerev

Linguistics. Literary criticism

pp. 51-54

«In March I am going to Kuban, where "amare et non morire"» (About А. P. Chekhov’s mythopoetics)

The article is dedicated to Kuban as a mythologeme in A. P. Chekhov’s works.

Key words: Kuban, I. L. Leont’ev-Scheglov, A. P. Chekhov, mythopoetics, mythologeme.

O. V. Spachil

pp. 54-59

«Queen of spades» by L. Ulitskaya as the experience of deconcentrated portraiture

The article presents the idea that in the text of a literary work of art the portrait image of a man often outgrows its representational function and becomes a kind of prism and the way of seeing the world, as it is presented in the story by L. Ulitskaya «Queen of Spades».

Key words: portrait, genre, hero, image, symbol, reinterpretation, deconcentrated portraiture.

P. S. Volkova, P. V. Nevskaya

pp. 59-62

Interjection as a representation of emotions: semiotic and pragmatic parametrality

The authors of the article consider the problem of interjections as the representation of emotions and define their specificity.

Key words: interjections, emotions, emotive sign, lexical and semantic field of emotivs.

L. U. Buyanova, A. V. Orduli

pp. 62-66

Problems of linguoculturology: military conceptosphere in Russian language and the language picture of the world

The author of the article reviews theoretical approaches to consider the language picture of the world basing on Humboldt’s ideas and proves ethno-specific character of the processes that are peculiar to the military conceptosphere in Russian language. 

Key words: language picture of the world, military conceptosphere, military metaphor, concept.

L. N. Tretyakova

pp. 67-68

Neologisms in modern Russian and English languages

The authors of the article describe linguistic and extra-linguistic sources of neologisms in English and Russian languages. Typological and morphological analysis of the new lexemes is performed in terms of intercultural communication.

Key words: neologism, global language, intercultural communication, loan words.

S. K. Khachak, S. M. Guziekova

pp. 69-70

About general characteristics of different styles in S. Maugham’s publicistic texts

Using S. Maugham’s publicistic texts the authors of the article consider the notion, subtypes and specific aspects of different styles.

Key words: different styles, dynamics; interstyle, bookish and colloquial elements, subtype.

N. Yu. Grabbe, L. B. Temnikova

pp. 71-78

«Reminiscences» of M. I. Lola – the head of Kuban workers’ faculty and Krasnodar pedagogical institute

Kuban Cossack, professor of political economy M. I. Lola was born in the Cossack village Starodzhereliyevskaya in 1896. He died at the age of ninety in Vilnius on the 18th of February 1986. He left some notes.

Key words: history of higher education in Kuban, M. I. Lola.

M. V. Lola

Ethnography. Folklore studies

pp. 79-81

«As hearing the accordion – the soul metering»: harmonica in festive and ceremonial culture of the rural population of the Donskoy region

Basing on the materials of folklore and ethnographic expeditions, the author reveals the role of an instrument in festive and ceremonial culture of the rural population of Volgograd region. 

Key words: harmonica, festive culture, ceremonial culture, Donskoy region.

S. Yu. Palgov

pp. 81-83

Sounding silence of Bryansk forests (on the material of the musical and ethnographic expedition of 2012)

The interpretation of some tape recordings of the talk with the representatives of the Eastern Slavs’ culture from western Polesie – Bryansk is presented in the article. This interpretation allows to consider the timbre as a deep, multi-parameter and multi-level phenomenon.

Key words: Bryansk, rite, sacred space, timbre, articulation.

L. A. Mnatsakanyan

Tribune of the young scientist

pp. 84-85

Communication abilities: approaches and classifications

On the basis of the developments offered by domestic researchers, the author deduces her own definition of the concept «pupils’ communication abilities».

Key words: school pedagogics, communication abilities, speech skills, mediate / immediate communication.

V. Ye. Gladchenko

pp. 85-87

Moral education through the musical theatre in the modern education

The article is dedicated to the contemporary statement of the question about the potential of moral education through the musical dramatic art.

Key words: moral education, dramatic art, pedagogic potential of musical theatre.

А. V. Grebtsova

pp. 87-89

Director’s theater in conditions of postmodernism

The author of the article considers the value of K. S. Stanislavsky’s system in theatrical culture at the beginning of the XX century and in the context of postmodernism epoch.

Key words: Stanislavsky’s system, theatre culture, postmodernism.

M. S. Zhurkov

pp. 89-90

Traditions of Nabokov’s myth about Pushkin in a. G. Bitov’s novel «Photo of Pushkin»

Evolution of the myth about Pushkin in works of V. V. Nabokov and A. G. Bitov is considered in the article.

Key words: V. V. Nabokov, A. G. Bitov, myth about Pushkin, sign, demythologiation, archetype.

K. A. Semushina

pp. 91-92

Pecularities of the name poetics in L. Ulitskaya’s novel «Green marquee»

Analyzing the meanings of the characters’ names in L. Ulitskaya’s novel «Green marquee», the author of the article reveals the peculiarities of the narration conceptualization in L. Ulitskaya’s prose. 

Key words: poetics of anthroponymy, L. Ulitskaya’s prose, conceptualization, «meaningful» bynames, author’s idea.

A. M. Khavanskaya

pp. 93-95

The problem of personality in L. A. Sycheva’s stories

The author of the article analyzes L. A. Sycheva’s stories «After the Wreck» and «The Oligarch’s Love» and finds out the types of characters’ personality (the attitude of a person to the family, children, people around, love, traditions and other life values).

Key words: prose of L. A. Sycheva, problem of personality, life values, Christian and non Christian personality type.

I. L. Balayan

pp. 95-97

Women’s cultural world in Russian periodicals of 1900–1920s

The review and the analysis of the type of women’s periodicals at the beginning of the XX century are given in the article. 

Key words: social role of a woman, women's magazine, periodical press in prerevolutionary Russia.

V. L. Nesterova

pp. 98-100

Cognitive aspect of negative emotionsin discourse analysis of everyday dialogue

The article deals with the linguistic and extralinguistic factors in mainstream discourse analysis of negative emotions in everyday dialogue.

Key words: discourse, emotional communication, negative emotions, cognitive aspect, emotional concept.

V. V. Dvoryantseva

pp. 100-102

The content of the communicative competence of the seventh graders during the study of adverbs

Improving communicative competence is one of the most important problems of Russian language teaching methodology. The article presents the materials of the pedagogical experiment that is aimed at improving communicative competence of the seventh graders by means of reference to LSG of adverbs and other information that supplement pupils’ knowledge about adverb as a part of speech.

Key words: communicative competence, lexical and semantic groups, system and functional approach.

T. N. Kramskaya

pp. 103-104

Symbolic meanings of idioms with components рука / shou in Russian and Chinese languages

Comparing the idioms with components рука / shou in Russian and Chinese languages, the author of the article characterizes their semantics and symbolic meanings.

Key words: idioms with components рука / shou, cultural purposes, symbolic meanings.

Khan’zhui chzhou

pp. 104-105

Formation of civil consent and tolerance (for the junior schoolchildren of secondary school)

The author of the article presents her own developed and approved structural and functional model of civil consent and tolerance formation for junior schoolchildren of secondary school.

Key words: civil consent and tolerance, citizen, citizenship, personality.

I. N. Kukushkina

pp. 106-107

Technics of constructive assertion development of students-designers by means of fine arts

The article deals with the ways and methods of self-reliance formation. The complex of exercises to improve self-appraisal and social competence is suggested in the article. 

Key words: assertion, social competence, self-reflectiveness, self-control, visual sociability.

N. P. Kolpakova

pp. 107-109

The study of regional component during the training of students of tourism department: criteria of value and value potential

Raising the question about the study of regional component in terms of criteria of value potential, the author of the article summarizes many years of teaching the discipline «Service and tourism» in a higher educational institution.

Key words: regional component, birthplace, projection of educational content, specialist, bachelor.

A. A. Samoilenko

pp. 110-111

The temple of Saint Nicholas the Miracle worker in Aderbievka village of Krasnodar region: historical and architectural aspects of study

Historical architectural importance of the Temple of Saint Nicholas the Miracle Worker in Aderbievka village is considered in the article.

Key words: architecture, history, culture, religion.

N. B. Beregovina


pp. 112-113


V. K. Chumachenko

Cultural life of the region